Subliminal Programming To Attract What You Want
Subliminal programming is the most effective way to improve your life and attract what you want.
If you want to improve your life, make more money, have more leisure time and a happy partnership, it takes a lot of effort and then things will get only a little better. The reason is that the amount of money you earn monthly is a habit and at the same time a belief that you can’t make so much more money as your parents. Even if you try hard and want to make more money, doubtful thoughts are in the way and prevent your wish to manifest. Habits and beliefs are ingrained in the subconscious mind.
Whatever is repetitively done or experienced over a certain period of time becomes a habit and can only be changed by repetition. It is easier if it is accompanied by a reprogramming of the habit in the subconscious mind. Beliefs were programmed from early childhood on and can only be changed by reprogramming them.
To reprogram the subconscious mind effectively the conscious mind has to be bypassed, as it would otherwise block the messages, send to the subconscious mind, with the limiting beliefs., which should be chang. Ways to reprogram the subconscious mind bypassing the conscious mind are using subliminal recordings, hypnosis and mind movies if the transparency is high and your conscious mind is focused on something else or if you are in a very relaxed state of mind such as alpha or theta.
Always think that whatever you listen or watch, gets into your mind. If you watch news, which are usually negative, you get this negativity into your life, unless you see certain negative news as your opportunity. During the great depression large companies have been established.
Focus your thoughts on what you want to attract into your life. To really improve your life, use subliminal recordings which are targeted on what you want to change or achieve.
If you are one of the people, who tries hard, but can’t create anything subliminal programming will help you to succeed.
If you want to attract a physical item into your life, you have to make space for it. This means that you have to get rid of the old item, which you want to replace.
Listen to subliminal recordings - in short Subliminals to change the programming of your subconscious mind. In subliminal recordings you can’t hear the affirmations, because they are transmitted on a frequency which can’t be heard consciously, but are send straight to the subconscious mind.
Subconscious programming bypasses the conscious thinking, which makes subliminal recordings so effective. If the subconscious mind is in line with what you want to attract, it will come into you mind quickly and with little effort. Listen to one and the same subliminal at least 6 weeks daily for several times.
Subliminal recordings - Subliminals remove doubts, which stand in the way to attract what you want.. Subliminal messages listened rto epetitively over a period of at least one month will replace negative thoughts and limiting beliefs with the believe to achieve and to get what you desire.
Attract more money and abundance into your life Attract success into your life in one or more aspects Get more self esteem, which is imperative to become successful
Choose one or more Subliminals and change what you want. You can turn your life around and attract into your life what you desire. Subliminals are effective, but be patient. Think that you change a many year old part of your suboncsious mind.
Boost Your Manifestations with Subliminal Recordings
Your mind is so precious. Treat it as something precious. Watch what you get in! Change, what is in, which you dislike such as limiting beliefs and bad habits. Know that how much money you make is a habit and a belief. If you live in abundance or not is a habit and a belief.
Whatever you listen or watch, think that you get it into your mind and that you could attract it. Very probably it will block manifestations of the good things you desire. Don’t watch news, which are usually negative. If you get negative news into your mind daily for a couple of weeks, you get quite a lot of negative stuff into your mind, which will get you think negative and manifest what you don’t want. Don’t watch movies with horror, murder or any other negativity. All that gets into your mind and works there, creating negative situations.
Whatever you think about, you draw into your reality. Take control of your mind and change your thoughts to attract into your life what you want. There are numerous thoughts, which go through your mind, without that you are aware of them. Some of them are repeatedly coming and control you and your life. But how to get and hold things in your mind, which you really want? Success in your professional and private life, business and private goals, physical things, a romance or all of it.
If you are one of the people, who tries hard, but is not successful with manifestations of anything you want. What do you have to do to turn your life around?
Make space for the good you desire
Have your frequency of vibration tuned in to what you want
Change the programming of your subconscious mind
Bypass your conscious thinking when reprogramming your subconscious mind
Conscious methods are not very effective, because your mind and your belief system, which are set in your subconscious mind, are in the way and blocking you manifestation efforts. It takes a lot of willpower and effort to get active against the subconscious programming. Using affirmations and putting feelings to it, setting goals and making wish lists and making a vision board are steps that are helpful, but don’t get quick results.
The most sabotaging thoughts, which stand in the way of your manifestation efforts, are doubts. Will I ever make it? Will I be successful with my business? What if I will not achieve that goal?
But how to stop any doubts?
Subliminal messages boost your manifestation efforts with great effectiveness. They can remove doubts, which stand in the way to accomplish a specific goal. Subliminal messages replace negative thoughts and limiting beliefs with the believe to achieve and to manifest what you desire.
Attract money and abundance into your life Attract success into your life Improve your health and stay healthy
Use Subliminal Recording to boost your manifestations.
Stay Alert and Focused to Achieve Your Goals with the help of Subliminl Programming
To reach any goal, you have to stay alert and focused for longer periods of time. We all start a project or piece of work with enthusiasm but when things don’t move on quick enough we lose interest, get bored and lose motivation. During this time many work on this goal less effectively, even though it is the stage when you actually should give in all your energy to succeed. There is subliminal recording, which helps you to stay focused. It is in the series of free downloads. It supports you to stay alert and focused on your study, work and do tasks, which you might give up or at least struggle to get done. Just think that if you stay on track, you can book another success on your account.
The more often you listen to this subliminal recording the more benefit you will get from it. The longer you listen to a subliminal recording and its messages regularly the messages will build inside your mind, meaning your subconscious mind, which controls you and your behaviour. If you just let it run each day for several weeks, while you continue with your work, the affirmations send to your subconscious mind will really start to make changes to your thought patterns, ways of thinking, and belief systems.
Listening to the subliminal recording ‘Stay Alert’ and focused for at least 30 minutes a day, each day over weeks, will give you a lasting boost to your ability to stay alert and focused for longer periods of time than before.
All you have to do is to download the MP3s, then press play and let the subliminal messages enter your mind. They will help you to stay alert; stay focused, and concentrate for long periods of time, and stop you getting distracted. If you continued to listen to it you will be more alert and focused in general and results will last.
Subliminals Are Supporting You to Get What You Want
Sublininals are supporting you to change your life, limiting beliefs and bad habits and get what you want in life, but you have to get active to achieve your goals, no matter if it is a littel or a big goal. Listening to subliminals regularly will make everything easier as they will bring your subconscious mind in line with you wants.
If you don’t want to make your own subliminal video such as with the Mind Movies Software, you can download ready made subliminal videos and watch them twice a day or use subliminal audio recordings.
Listening to subliminals you will soon feel changes, but you have to watch them at least for 6 weeks twice a day so that messages that are sent to your subconscious mind via subliminals are getting deeply embedded.
Subliminals will absolutely bring a change in your life. But subliminals are a support, they will not do for you what has to be done. If you want to achieve big goals, you should combine them with life coaching to learn more about your mind and how to become successful. Subliminals will change limiting beliefs. These are beliefs that are blocking you to get what you want in life. Life coaching will show you a new path, which will lead you to success.
These tools, subliminals and life coaching, are supporting you, but to achieve anything you have to get active. Life coaching will tell you that you have to make plans and how to make them, but you have to do the planning of what you have to do to achieve a specific goal yourself as no one else, but you knows what you want.
To become successful and get what you want in life, you have to start to determine where you are. Only you know where you are in life now, in what environment you life, what you are able to do with your talents and the skills you have learned.
Some people may be very far away from where they want to get, but they have the same chance to reach this point as anyone else. Again, it starts with good planning and using the today’s available supportive tools will help you.
There are people saying that they don’t believe in subliminals and so they don’t use them. But the life of these people don’t change. They continue to live with their limiting beliefs and destructive habits and wonder, why they don’t get rich over night, even though they try hard. Why don’t they give it a try and have a subliminal audio recording run while they sit at their computer and work. It is not expansive, it doesn’t hurt and it makes everything you try to accomplish with your will much easier.
Keep Control with Subliminals
Some of my friends say that they want to keep control and wouldn’t try a subliminal recording. A subliminal is a recording in which you don’t hear the spoken affirmations as the frequency was changed to one that is not heard by the human ear. The affirmations are known as they come together with the download of the subliminal that one chooses. So you very well keep control of what comes into your mind. If you watch TV, especially the news, you can’t control what is send to your mind. Most of that is negative!
If you are one of those who says that you want to keep control of yourself, your life and what you do, you are so very wrong. You are controlled by the programming of your subconscious mind, which has been programmed since birth by your parents, teachers, friends, the environment, the media and all what was seen, heard and experienced.
There are people who say they want to stay in control, but can’t stop themselves eating, even though they want to lose weight. Others are sick, which they believe that they can’t control. They are freely willing to take chemicals, not exactly knowing what those chemicals do to their body and overall health. Still, they believe, they keep control. There are some who have bad habits and they say they just can’t get themselves change that habit, but they say they want to keep control, which they DO NOT! They just wrongly believe so.
If you want to control yourself and your life and you see yourself do things which you actually don’t want to do, you can only help yourself with subliminals. As the affirmations of subliminals are not heard while you have them play, they bypass the conscious mind, which is filled with wrong programming. With subliminals you change part of the wrong programming. You were programmed by repetition and to change a programming you have to listen to subliminals repetitively. It is suggested to listen to a subliminal daily for at least six weeks that it becomes effective and lasting.
My Experience with Subliminals
My experience with subliminals is getting better week by week. The secret of subliminals is that you have to listen to them each day for several weeks.
When I began listening to Subliminals, I had no idea how and if they work. They did not. I had no idea how they function and made the mistake, you should not make. This is some time ago.
When I began with this website, subliminals jumped back into my life. I did not click it away, because when it comes to life change, you can’t get away from subliminals.
I have a PhD, which means that I first do research, no matter what. So I began to research subliminals. Thanks to the internet, there is more than enough information about it.
The mistake I made when I used subliminals the first time in my life + You have to listen to a subliminal at least once EVERY DAY. + You have to listen to a subliminal at least 6 weeks every day.
My experience with subliminals, since I learned what to do to make them function: Okay, so this is what I did, I listened to them each day for weeks, and made the experience that they do function! And they function incredibly.
Why do subliminals function?
To change your life you have to change the programming of your subconscious mind, which is quite difficult when you try to do that only on the conscious level.
When you write down what you want to change or listen to a recording, which says what you want to change, your conscious, which acts upon your programming, is a barrier. If you could go around that barrier and get the message straight into your subconscious mind, you could make incredible changes.
And this is done by a subliminal.
Why and how?
A subliminal is recorded by speaking affirmations onto an audio recording. This audio recording is on a frequency which the human ear can hear. The frequency is then changed to one, which is not heard by the human ear.
There are subliminals which are silent and some where you hear birds singing or the waves of an ocean, but you don’t hear the spoken affirmations.
I love the subliminals with silent tracks. When I switch on my laptop, I open one of my subliminal mp3s and have it run, while I work. * I am not disturbed by the subliminal as it is silent. * I don’t lose any time!
I have several subliminals. You can listen to several subliminals, one after the other. You have to make sure that you listen to one once a day.
Don’t await a quick change. It takes weeks, until the programming of your subconscious mind regarding the aspect, the subliminal should change, is being overwritten by the affirmations of the subliminal.
You suddenly start to act differently, you suddenly look better, you suddenly see better.