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Dare More And Dare To Be More

How to get into The New Thinking and Transform






How to Improve
Self Improvement
Plan Your Life Transformation
Imagining how to improve
Visioning to improve
Visualizing for improvements
Manifesting to improve

Improve with Hypnosis
Learn to Meditate To Improve
Improve with Mind Movies
How to visualize with Mind Movies
Improve with 7 Steps to Happiness
Know Universal Laws

Improve with Mind Power Perfection
Improve with Money Making Mind Power
Improve enhancing your Mind Power
Improve with Mind Power Mastery


Mind Power Mastery

A Course that turns your computer into an Automatic Learning Machine for Your Mind

The way you think will soon change forwever!

You know that you have powers within you which are far greater than any obstacle, circumstance or difficulty, you could possibly meet!
You can bring forth into your life more power, more success, more health, and more happiness…
Your know your subconscious mind can solve problems for you effortlessly.

How Can You Do All That?

Discover how to focus, concentrate and then release the hidden powers of your subconscious mind! Generate the force within you, which will enable you to realize and reach your real goals and desires, understanding the power of your subconscious mind.

How To Experience Change On A Subconscious Level?

When you focus on good things, good things will happen and will get better, but if you focus on something negative, things will get worse.

You know that everything you have ever seen, heard or experienced is perceived by your conscious mind, and then stored in your subconscious mind. But there is so much more which you do not see, hear or experience consciously, which is also stored in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind also stores likes and dislikes, desires and dreams, fears and anger.

When you change your subconscious mind, you change your life forever!

But why is it so difficult for us to make changes? Wouldn’t it be great to just and only experience great and wonderful situations? If you master your subconscious mind power, you will only experience great and wonderful situations and everything that has to be done will appear so easy being done. But there is a mechanism in your subconscious mind that holds you back from making changes.

Did you ever think to use this to your advantage

Well, you can. But you must learn how.

Get more information about the Mind Power Mastery >>


The subconscious mind can learn to do things for you. You only have to command and your subconscious mind will look for the best way to do something, to solve a problem, to get people, things and situations into your life as needed to fulfil your command.

Your subconscious mind will do things for you. In the same way as you learn to drive a car and then practice it, you would learn something, practice it and as you do things to drive almost automatically you will do whatever you learn and practice almost automatically.

With new found powers, you will have the skills to create situations the way you want it, as you will have the subconscious mind power be at your side.

The more you develop and train your subconscious mind to do your day-to-day ordinary thinking for you, the less you suffer from things such as tiredness, exhaustion and fatigue. Fatigue and tiredness, are virtually unknown to your subconscious mind - it can therefore never get tired.

All you must do is take the time to first awaken it and then develop it, as this invisible power within your mind is forever working!

Imagine to give the command to your subconscious mind to solve all problems for you. Things would be done quickly, accurately and effortlessly.

The Most Powerful Techniques to have your Subconscious Mind Power ignited

The Law of Indirectness

This is one of the MOST powerful techniques you can use to build up your character. With it, you can develop the power to put aside any negative thought which may occupy your mind.

Methods For Anger Prevention

Anger Prevention means that situations which would have previously provoked you towards anger, aggravation, and even irritation, will not happen.

Hidden-Human Power

Not only does your subconscious mind have the power to INCREASE your overall ability, but it can also help to develop your creativity, intuition and genius. Apply the powers of your subconscious towards any problem or difficulty you may come across.

Develop A Super Calm Character

A calm character is a rare quality in human life. It is the state or condition of a great nature, in harmony with itself and its ideals. It is the positive atmosphere of a life self-centred, self-reliant, and self-controlled.

Who Is Withholding From You?

Whatever you think the world and other people are withholding from you, you already possess! But unless you allow it to flow freely, you won’t realize that you already have it.

The Power of Your Morning Thoughts

What do you think about most in the morning when you wake? Any thoughts you have during the FIRST hour or so of each morning can and will greatly influence your entire day.

Tap-Into Your Mind To Achieve Prosperity And unlimited Greatness.

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You must use the FULL force of your subconscious mind power in order to add power and strength to the images of the things you want most!

The more clearly and often you visualize your goals and desires, the FASTER you will realize them. The repetitions play the most important part in this.

You have to know and understand: It takes the same effort to aim high in life as it dose to accept things the way they currently are.

Did you know that over 90% of Your Minds Actions Are Subconscious!

Therefore, if you fail to make use and put into action all the powers of your mind both conscious and subconscious, then you are severely limiting your own potential.

Why most of us are not able to use the full power of our conscious and subconscious mind:

Most of us operate within a narrow field, which we have consciously and subconsciously constructed for ourselves. Imagine how your life would be if you brake those limitations!

You have dormant creative powers within you which you hardly use. So why not start to awaken these powers within you today?

"All your thoughts possess power" ... Indeed the power within you can become so strong that you are actually DRAWN towards any goal or desire you have set firmly in view. This is regardless of circumstances, obstacles or conditions.

Finally focus on thinking about your success, instead of fearing it!


What is the Reason that MOST People Fear Change

In order to prevent change 98% of people set no real goal, desire or destination ... and simply end up conforming, by going along with what EVERYONE else is doing and thinking. As everyone else is doing the same hardly any one thinks about it. But you did start to look for it, otherwise you would not have found this page.

If you don’t change your thoughts and actions, you can’t change your results?

So you have to change and control your thoughts and take action upon the thoughts which are directed to what you really want in life. This is the only way to get the wanted results. This is the key behind all accomplishment, no matter how big or small.

Everybody gets the same twenty-four-hours each day, it’s what you do with yours that counts - you have untapped potential, plus virtually limitless opportunities that surround you. If you train your mind you will see all those opportunities and take them.

How Do You Reach The Results You Desire

It starts with what you think - as each person has anywhere from 20,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day - 75% of these thoughts are negative and 90% are repetitive.

With all the unproductive, negative and repetitive thoughts draining your ENERGY each day, it's no wonder, most people find it hard to concentrate for more than five minutes at a time.

You need to TRAIN your conscious mind ... this programs your subconscious mind to focus more on what you want, instead of what you don’t want. 

There is a lot,which you can start to do differently today and begin to change.

Some people read inspiring stories and personal growth books to help train the brain, while others find meditation and brainwave audio useful for relaxing the body and mind.

Daily affirmations and subliminal messaging are also quite effective at empowering you to take action, unlock your potential and discover your hidden talents.

You’ve Dreamed About It - Now You Can Do It!

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve, said Napoleon. Deep down each person knows what he or she wants. The question is, will you focus your mind on being "the success" you were meant to be?

Take control of your thoughts today and open your mind, to a world of limitless opportunities waiting for you.

Imagine the possibilities when you eliminate your mental blocks to success.

Stretch your mind and live your dreams now - take advantage of this mind building program and turn your free time into learning time.

The seeds you plant in your subconscious mind by repetition will become reality. Just don’t give up. For great men a failure is a training. They might change the approach and then go on doing what they plan, but they never give up. The only failure is giving up. You might be short before the breakthrough. Think twice before you give up.

Nothing is impossible to a person who holds a strong belief. This refers to your conscious mind power.

The Mind Power Mastery >>



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