Life Transformation And Mind Management
Improve with Planned Life Transformation
Planned Life Transformation is an effective way to change your mind and your life. It is a system explaining how you can make the transition from where you are to where you want your life to be.
You have decided to transform your life, but you have not yet determined how exactly you want it to transform and how to transform it. Or you have tried to transform your life, but you seem to be stuck and nothing you try works out. Only wanting to change your life is a wishful thinking with which you do not get results.
When you plan the transformation of your life, you also have to determine what you have to do to make the changes and most importantly you have to change your mind to get results. You have to understand that to transform your life you first have to change your mind.
How to change your mind?
o Watch your thoughts for about 3 days and make notes about the thoughts you become aware of. You will be surprised how many negative thoughts you think during a day and how many times you think one and the same thought.
o Become aware of your thoughts. When you think a negative thought, stop thinking about it and whisk it away. Think of something positive. For this purpose have an image of one of your wishes and imagine that image.
o Use methods that help you control your thoughts and methods that support you to think positive.
Methods to Control Your Mind
I. The best method to control your mind is by far meditation. With meditation is meant stopping to think with the help of repeating a mantra or listening to your breathing. Another world will open for you, you will come out of your meditation session knowing what to do next and you will know solutions to problems should you have any.
II. Get support with subliminal recordings Subliminal recordings help you to reprogram your subconscious mind and transform your life with ease. Choose subliminals to transform and improve
III Mind Management.
You know about the Management of companies and organisations and the Management of larger households. You manage your houshold, your finance and probably your own company. But did you ever think about managing your mind to manage your life? Before everything else you should manage your mind as everything you do then will be build on Mind Management and the desired transformation will be much easier accomplished.
We do not learn to manage our mind at school and not from our parents, as they have never learned it. In biology we learn about the brain and the functioning of the different parts of the brain, We have to find out ourselves how to manage our mind and how to change our conscious and subconscious mind. You might have learned that there is conscious mind, a subconscious mind and a higher self.
The mind (conscious and subconscious mind) is in all cells of our body, while the brain is in your head. When you use your conscious mind intelligently, the brain builds dendrites and synapses (= connections). When you do not use a specific skill for some time, the dendrites that are responsible for those skills diminish. When you think of something specific often, new dendrites and synapses will grow and become stronger.
The brain is the hardware. It contains neurons (nerve cells), which are connected through synapses. The number of synapses grow when you exercise your brain. The mind is the software. All what is perceived with our senses is saved in our mind and influences us. Our mind is consciously and unconsciously fed and influenced. To a certain extent you can control with what you are influenced by choosing what you read, watch, feel, smell and taste. But you are also influenced beyond control. For example, while you are shopping in a mall, you hear what others say. But this does not make changes to your mind to change your mind something needs to be repeated.
When you change your subconscious mind this will also effect your conscious mind and all aspects of your life. Examples of changes to your subconscious mind without your knowing: Advertisement. Or when something is said repeatedly in the news, which is the case with the evonomic crises. People near you who for example repeatedly say something specific. Advise:
Choose well what you watch on TV and on the internet and choose well with what people you meet. If your partner or children constantly says something negative that can be the trigger for a negative transformation, speak with them and explain why they should stop saying anything negative. Get out of the way of people, who are constantly nagging!.
We can control our conscious mind, but we have no direct access to our subconscious mind and can’t change it’s programming over night. To control the subconscious mind we have to use certain techniques, as for example meditation, hypnosis, subliminal recordings, repeated affirmations, autosuggestions, repeatedly hearing or seeing something specific or doing something specific. What we repeatedly do becomes a habit.
We today know that our suboncsious mind was programmed by repetition and can be reprogrammed by repetition. The advertisement industry works by repetition to get you buy a certain product. Not to be influenced by ads, you have to switch to another channel.
It is believed that the subconscious mind extends our body, that it is connected with other subconscious minds and that it is part of a universal mind. Tests have shown that one or more people can influence the subconscious mind of others with conscious thought. What interests us in the context of planned life transformation is our personal subconscious mind and how to change it’s programming.
Plan your life transformation to be able to determine how you have to change your conscious mind and what you have to do to get your subconscious mind in line with your life transformation, which I call here Mind Management.
What is Mind Management
Management in all business areas and organizational activities are the acts of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing. leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.
This is the first paragraph of the definition for Management in Wikipedia. I will use it to define the term Mind Management.
The word business is replaced with: You, including your mind, your body and your life.
Organizational activities: Is all you do to manage your mind, your body and your life in all aspects.
Mind Management in all areas of your life and organizational activities are the acts of getting your abilities, skills and opportunities to improve (including knowledge from school, college and university, all other trainings, books, magazines, newspapers, online reading matieral and talks with others), to accomplish desired goals and objectives.
Mind Management comprises planning, organizing, applying improving and helpful means and tools, leading or directing and controlling all about you and your life. or effort for the purpose of accomplishing your goals. Resourcing encompasses the deployment of your born resources (natural resources), all means and tools available on the market (technological resources), the money you have available to make things happen (financial resources) and human resources (teachers, mentors, coaches, family, friends, other people you know).
Because organizations can be viewed as systems, managment can also be defined as human action, including design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system. This view opens the opportunity to manage oneself. - This is the second paragraph of the definition of management on wikipedia, which I translate regarding Mind Management as follows:
The human mind and body is a highly advanced system. Design: The image of a person, his style, his behavior. We have many opportunities to facilitate the production of useful outcomes.
Basic functions of management
Management operates through various funcitions, often classified as plannning, organizing, leading/directing, and controlling.
Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future (today, next week, next month, next year, over the next 5 years, and longer time goals) and generating plans to take action. Also see: imagine and visioning. Organizing (Implementation) making optimum use of the resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans. Staffing: Job Analyzig, recruitment, and hiring individuals for appropriate jobs. Hire supporting personnel to make more time for yourself and have more time for more important tasks as tasks which you can easily delegate. Leading & Directing: Determining what needs to be done in a certain situation and getting people to do it. Controlling & Monitoring Checking progress against plans. :
What can you accomplish with Mind Management
Mind Management should start with general planning and planning of all aspects of once life. This planning should be done in written form.
You should start to make the changes with your mind and you have to reprogram your subconscious mind to make the wanted life transition from now to your planned future. As you plan your life transformation into detail, you can then determine how to change your conscious and subconscious mind.
1. Determine the present state of your life 1.1. Time Management: Your daily and weekly routine regarding time. When do you get up. What is your morning routine? How long is your way to and from work? How long do you work? How much leisure time do you have? What are you doing in your leisure time? Do you take time to work out? Do you take time for personal interests? Do you have enough time for breakfast, lunch and dinner? What is your evening routine. How long do you sleep and do you get enough sleep?
1.1. Your knowledge and education level: What schools have you visitied? How high is your education level. Did you atttend trainings after school? Do you continue to learn? Do you learn something every day? 1.3. Your financial situtation: What is your monthly income? Does your income cover the monthly costs? Do you have savings? How much can you save monthly? 1.4. Your habits. What are your daily habits? What habits do you have that you dislike? 1.5. What have you accomplished in your life, including private and career accomplishments? 1.6. Your emotional state: Are you most of the time happy and in good humor or do you often experience negative emotions? 1.7. Your physical body, including body, face, hair. Are you healthy? Are you slim or overweight? Do you care for your health with healthy food and workout? Do you care for your skin and hair? 1.8. Your style, image and behavior: Are you elegant, sportif, sloppy, dressed very fashionable or not. How do you behave at home, how at work and how outside of home and work? 1.9. Your relationships: Do you have a partner and how is the relationship to him? How is the relationship to your children? Do you have lots of good friends? Do you have a good relation to your co-workers or employees? How do you behave toward strangers?
2. Determine what you want of life, what do you want to transform Plan Your Life Transformation 2.1. How do you want to spend your day? Do you want to change your time management? Do you want to get up later, not have to lose time sitting in the car for an hour or more to get to work and an other hour to get back home. Would you like to have more time to spend with your family, more time for dinner, more time for sports, for yourself, more vacation time? 2.2. Do you want more knowledge and what exactly 2.3. Your planned financial situation: How much money would you like to earn monthly? How much money would you like to have saved and invested? 2.4. Which habits would you like to eliminate and replace with what other habits? Which new habits would you like have? 2.5. What do you want to accomplish in your private life: have a family, children, accomplish something regarding your personal interests, charity work, want to support organizations protecting nature? What do you want to accomplish in your professional life? Do you want a career in a company, in the goverment or other organisations, or do you want to be self employed? 2.6. How do you want your emotional state to be? Do you want to be happy and cheerful most of the time? What negativ emotions do you want to eliminate? 2.7. How do you want your body to look, your face, your hair? 2.8. Your style and image. How do you want to appear to others? Do you want to change your style, image and behavior. How do you want it to be? 2.9. Do you want a partner or change or stop an existing partnership? Do you want to change the relationship with your children? Do you want more friends? Do you want a better relationship to co-workers or employees?
3. How will you execute your Life Transformation
Determine how you will change your present you and life to how you want your life to be. You then will make a step by step plan.
This is an important plan. You will write down to each point all you have to do to make the transition. Some of what has to be done you will be able to change tomorrow. Some changes you have to get used to. As it is not suggested to make too many changes at once, you will have to decide with what changes you want to start. Some other changes you will have to prepare and the transition will be done during a longer period of time.
When you make a plan of what you have to do during a certain time span, it will be easier to make this life changing transition and the probability that you will accomplish all your goals will be much higher.
Write the answer to all the points of your your life transformation plan on a large piece of paper and make segments or write each segment on a different sheet., - Make one segment for what changes you can start to realize right away, - The next segment is for life changes for which you have to make a habit change. In a next step you will decide which of those habits you will change first and you will make a priority list of all habits you want to change. - Another segment is for changes for which you need to prepare yourself during a longer time span, as for example: education and training - The last segment is for things which build up on one or more other points of your plan
3.1. How do you want to spend your day? You have made a plan how you want to spend your day. Make now a list of what you have to change to spend the day as planned. Do you have to change your job? Find a job which is nearer to your home? Or find a job which enables you to work from home? If you plan to look for another jog, you can start to search for it tomorrow or the coming weekend. Write this into the first segment of your life transformation plan. Do you need to hire more staff in your company and/or at home to have more time for yourself? You can look for personnel tomorrow or in the days to come. Write this into the first segment of your life transformation plan. Do you need more training to get a job, which lets you plan your day as you want? Write this into the third or forth segment of your life transformation plan. Do you have to get up earlier to have time to work out before you go to work? This is a habit you can start to form tomorrow morning. Change the time on your alarm clock in increments of 10 minutes. Write this into the second segment of your life transformation plan. Do you have to get yourself used to work out? Start with 10 minute increments and increase the workout time each week until you reached the time length you have planned for workout. Write this into the second segment of your life transformation plan. What can you do to save time to have more time for more important tasks or for more leisure time?
You can save time in making a list of things, which are of less importance and can be eliminated or reduced? Watch yourself consciously for a few days and make notes, where you could save time. Do you spend too much time for reading and answering emails and messages on social sites? You could make it a habit to quickly go through your messages and answer with short comments. Write this into the second segment of your life transition plan. Are you having too many phone calls? Do you chat too long? Make it a new habit to make your talks on the phone shorter. Chat with one and the same time less often. Are you going to have a glass after work and stay often too long? Make it a habit to leave the bar at a certain time.
3.2. What knowledge and training do you need for your planned life transformation? Is the knowledge easily available? How can you get it? How long does it take you to read to get this knowledge? How long will it take you to get the knowledge. When you need a special training? Does the training cost money and do you have the amount of money you need to pay for the training? From where could you get the money or do you first have to save money? Do you have time for the training? What do you have to do or chane to have the time for the training?
3.3. What do you have to do to accomplish your planned financial state? Do you want a raise of your salary and what do you have to do to get it? Do you have to make a job-change to get a higher salary? Do you need a specific training to earn more or to get a higher paid job? Can you make additional money with one of your private interests? Decide into what segment of your life transformation plan you write these individual points. What can you do to be able to save money? Do you spend too much money on things you don’t really need? Are you spending too much money for going out? These point are habit changes. Write them into the second segment of your life transformation plan. Make a savings and an investment plan with exact amounts of money, whereby the amount of money you want to save can change with the time. Write those amounts of money you plan to save into different segments of your life transformation plan.
2.4. Habit changes Take your list of habits you want to change and give each a priority. Decide which one to change first. It takes at least three weeks to change a habit. Focus on one habit at a time and focus on the next after three weeks or after you have formed the new habit. Imagine yourself implementing the new habit. Do this every evening and every morning.
2.5. What do you have to do to accomplish in your life what you have planned?
2.6. How will you change your emotional state? How will you eliminate negative emotions and have positive emotions. These are habits. Write them into the second segment of your life transformation plan.
2.7. What do you have to do to have your body, face and hair look as you planned? Do you have to lose weight? How will you lose weight? How will you change your eating habits? Write the weight you want to lose into the third or forth segment and the change of eating habits into the second segment of your life transformation plan. Do you need to go to a dermatologist to do something about your skin? Do you need an operation to change the feature of your face? Do you have the money or how will you get the money for it? Do you have to make face-exercise part of your daily routine? Do you need a new hair-cut or do you want to have your hair grow longer? Write the visit at a dermatologist and the visit at your hairdresser into the first segment, the operation into the third or forth and the face-exercise into the second segment of your life transfromtation plan.
2.8. What do you have to do to change your style and behavior to get a new image? Do you need to buy new clothes? Do you have the money for it? If no, write this into the first segment of your life transfromation plan. If you need to change your behavior, decide what you will do to change it and write it into the second segment of your life transformation plan. To form the habit to behave differently as now will probably take you longer as three weeks. Exercise your new behavior whenever possible. Make exercises in front of a full-body mirror once a day.
2.9. What do you have to do to have the partnerships you want? Do you have to go out more often to meet a partner and/or look for the special someone in social media sites? Do you have to get devorced? Do you need councelling to have a better relationship with your partner? Are you too shy to make more friends? You can help yourself with hypnosis. Do you have to make more time for your children to have a better relationship with them? Do you have to change habits to have a better relationship with friends and co-worker or employees? What can you do that your employees are happier working for you? Decide into what segments of your life transformation plan you write each of these points.
Prepare your Mind for the planned changes When you go to bed, imagine to live the life you have planned to life in your life transition plan. Make a wish video with images which represent the life you want to live and with slides with well chosen written affirmations and watch your mind movie at least twice a day or with the SSA-Program you can have it run constantly on your screen while you work on your PC. Look which subliminals might be helpful to accomplish your planned changes. Have a look at what kind of hypnosis and supraliminals might be helpful to acomplish your planned changes. Decide to sign up for a coaching system, which will support you on your way from where you are now to where you want to be. Have a look what other improvement products might be helpful.
Control the progress of your life transformation every couple of months: Look at your life transformation plan after half a year and see which of the points of the plan you have realized, which habits you have changed and make corrections in your life transition plan.
Keep doing this as you will 1. change the way you see yourself and your life with accomplishing part of your life transition and with age.
2. have new wishes and desires: Your wishes and desires will change with the time. You will dare more and dare to have wishes and desires that you can’t think about yet.