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How to Improve
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Plan Your Life Transformation
Imagining how to improve
Visioning to improve
Visualizing for improvements
Manifesting to improve

Improve with Hypnosis
Learn to Meditate To Improve
Improve with Mind Movies
How to visualize with Mind Movies
Improve with 7 Steps to Happiness
Know Universal Laws

Improve with Mind Power Perfection
Improve with Money Making Mind Power
Improve enhancing your Mind Power
Improve with Mind Power Mastery


Calm Mind and its Benefits

A calm mind has lots of benefits which can be achieved through meditation.

I have listened to a speech given by HH the Dalai Lama. He began talking about the different levels of the mind and he emphasizes on the fact that we generally have a misconception of reality. What we call reality, we perceive differently in each level of mind. Think about how you see things when you are awake, which is the beta state of mind. When you are very relaxed, which is the alpha state, you see things a little clearer, a little more subjective. When you meditate, you are in the theta state, the reality becomes different. You will understand things a lot more subjective and clearer, which will bring you inner calmness.

HH the Dalia Lama sees significant importance in having a calm mind. When a person is calm, he is more satisfied. He said that we get calmness through training and awareness of our mind.

He warned that we should not put all our hopes on money and material things. You can be rich, but unhappy. You can be poor and mentally happy. You need friends to be happy. To make friends, you need to trust them. If you are not trustworthy yourself, you will not trust others and so you will have no real friends.

See value in knowledge. There are tourists, who are not travelling to get knowledge, but because they have an inner emptiness and so they are looking for filling this gap. There travelling is more of a restlessness as seeking knowledge. Think of knowledge to grow inside, to not feel empty.

If you meditate, you will gain a higher knowledge and inner calmness. While you meditate you don’t use your five senses. You stay conscious, but are more in your subconscious mind, which is for me the mind of the universe. Maybe meditation is a way to communicate with your subconscious mind. HH the Dalai Lama says that while you meditate you can focus on something specific as for example compassion.

Meditation has nothing to do with your religion. You will meditate because of a number of benefits. (See “How to learn to meditate – an online course.) If you meditate, all physical elements work better. If you meditate regularly, let us say thirty minutes a day, you become healthier, which is scientifically proven. If you meditate regularly, you will need a lot less sleep and you will get far more than 30 minutes a day back. If you often feel negative emotions, you will become unhealthy. If you meditate, you will see things from a more subjective aspect and so you will not have negative emotions.

Through meditation you will gain inner calmness. Your power of concentration will become more stable and stronger. Your relation with others will become more gently, more peaceful. Meditation reduces stress. It is the inner calmness and the ability to see things more subjectively that reduce stress and as a result you will work more effectively.

If you meditate, you see the reality more objectively, more clearly. A calm mind doesn’t mean to be indifferent. You have to be active, but you will know better what is right to do. Anger and fear are negative emotions. Those feelings are self-destructive. If you are often filled with anger or fear, you will lose friends and get sick. Anger and fear will almost vanish, because of the clarity of your mind. With meditation you can train your mind, and will separate from anger and fear and become calm and more satisfied.

To be active is important. Be active mentally, but also physically. Suffering as in sports can bring mental satisfaction. Prayer is good, but it doesn’t make anything happen. If you are active, abstain from causing harm to yourself and to others. We all need to act. If you meditate, you will not think of negative actions.

Get the positive benefits of meditation into your life. Learn How To Meditate.

The benefits of meditation are numerous and big that you should absolutely consider to learn and start to meditate today. Well, the best time to start doing something which improve is always now. People who meditate regularly need 4 to 5 hours of sleep, are better rested, live without stress, work more efficiently, are filled with inner calmness, there for they make better decisions, are creative, get great ideas, solve problems with ease and much more. You can read more about why you should meditate.


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How to Meditate


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