Enhance Your Mind Power
Enhance Your Mind Power practicing supporting methods |
Enhancing your mind power can mean + improvement of memory + improvement of positive thoughts and feelings + raising the IQ + better use of your mind
While you learn something new additional grey brain cells are created. Furthermore your dendrites are getting stronger, grow, build more branches and make new connections (synapses).
People who learn something new every day throughout their lives, meet with others to talk and discuss certain subjects, have a better functioning mind with aging.
There are methods, which can absolutely enhance your mind power. One of those methods is to learn poems or a foreign language. Another one is meditation.
Meditation enhances your memory and clears your mind to be able to focus on whatever you do. Meditation is easily learned. It has to be practiced daily. It eliminates negative thoughts, cleans out the information overlaod and makes space for deep thoughtful thinking. The thinking becomes more focused and clearer. That is the reason that Meditation is enhancing the mind and the mind power.
You can also enhance your mind power using subliminal recordings with titles such as improve your memory, improve positive thinking and be happy. I call subliminal recordings simply subliminals. One has to listen to one subliminal for several weeks. Continue to listen to it until you see a remarkable improvement in the area of the subliminal you have chosen. When it comes to enhance mind power, it might be best if you listen to it daily or at least from time to time for a couple of days daily until the end of your life.
You can’t feed your mind once and then it functions optimally your life long. It is as with food, you have to feed your mind with good content daily. This refers to learning something new every day and listening to a subliminal every day.
Feed your mind daily to enhance your mind power.