Mind Power and Your Belief System
Our mind power is able to change our world. To understand this fact better and to make it work, you must be definite to believe this fact.
It is not very known that not only Jesus walked on water. In Matthäus 14,22-33 Jesus asks his disciples to go ahead of him to the other side of Lake Gennesaret. In the evening, after praying, Jesus followed the boat walking on the water. His disciples thought it must be a ghost, but Jesus said that they do not need to be afraid. Peter said that if it is really him, he should tell him to walk toward him on the water. Jesus said he should come. Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. When he got aware that he walked on the water, which he actually could not believe to be able, he got afraid and began to sink. Lord, help me, he cried. Jesus reached out his hand, pulled him up and said: “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” After they got into the boat, the disciples worshiped Jesus.
Jesus wanted us to know, that when our believe is strong enough, we can make everything happen. In the bible we can read several times, in the New Testament and in the Genesis, that our mind power is limitless. I guess that in other religious books we can find the same message.
Even though we are often told by modern “gurus” that we only have to strongly believe and we can change everything we want and as we want, we still are unable to activate our faith to it’s full strength and change our reality the way we so much wish it would be. It might be that the programming of our subconscious mind with wrongand limiting beliefs is holding us back.
Our mind was programmed since birth, but to often with limiting beliefs. To change a wrong programmed believe not only in our conscious mind, but also in our subconscious mind, we are offered quite a number of means to reach this goal.
Subliminal Recordings >>
The message of pictures in wish videos and vision boards are working with pictures which are meant for our subconscious mind. We are offered brain entrainment systems which work with subliminal recordings. We are offered numerous books which explain what we can do to make our God given abilities work better.
First you have to watch what you think. Do not think about something you do not want. Do entertain your mind only with what you want in your life. Do not wish anyone bad luck as the bad luck will come into your life. Wish anyone happiness and happiness will be in your life. Wishing others without exception happiness, will make you feel happy and fill you with the emotion of happiness.
To read that you should be careful what you think, sounds easy. But how many times a day do you entertain a thought with a limiting belief? You might say: “Come on! Did you ever see a man walk on water?” Yes, I did. It was a young man who, during his childhood, was very much into himself. He read a lot and seemed to be more of a dreamer (that is how we wrongly call those people). He was not so much brainwashed from TV or friends and he was lucky that his parents have let him live in this dream that everything is possible. Before he walked on water and was seen by a little crowed he said: “There is nothing special about it.”
Jesus said that if our belief would be larger than a mustard seed, we would be able to say to a mountain that he should move from the land into the sea, he would do it. Ever since we have made many mountains move. Just look at highways in an alpine region, where parts of mountains have been moved and sometimes the highways goes through a mountain.
There are many people who have proven that a strong believe can make everything possible. We can see it and still we do not believe strongly enough. WHY DO WE DOUBT?
Do you believe that we all could walk on water? Are you able to walk on water? Are you a doubter or a believer? Do you know your mind power? Do you doubt your own mind power? Do you believe to be able to enhance or even perfect your mind power?