The Law Of Attraction Works
Do you ask yourself why some people seem to have everything they desire and you would like to find out if there is a secret to get what you want and to make the law of attraction work? Of course you have heard about the Law of Attraction and you have read about how it functions, but it did not work out so great for you. Everything in the universe is energy, also your thoughts. And everything is in vibration and has a specific frequency. When you focus your thoughts on something specific, get active into that direction and get yourself into the frequency of vibration in which someone is, when he achieved this very goal, you will most probably reach it.
Most important is the frequency of vibration, in which you bring yourself with positive thoughts and emotions, the belief and action to make things work out.
Understand that when you question this, you get into a low vibration and your goal will not be achieved and your wish will not materialize. You guessed it: Only think and focus on what you want. Surround yourself with things, which remind you on what you want, as for example images. But there is more to it.
As long as you are not in the flow and not in a higher frequency of vibration, again and again something will not workout. Most people tend to then focus on what has not worked out and overlook what has worked out. Be happy about anything which is positive and good in your life and everything which has worked out and see it as the first step to success, on which you build up. As you see the positive and feel the happiness about it, more and more things will work out and with any little or bigger success you will get nearer to achieve your goal.
The more successful moments you have, the more you are happy about the things which work out, the more things will work out and this is going on. You will feel that your frequency of vibration is raising, which makes things so much easier. The more you focus on what you want, the more energy goes into that direction.
What is so important, and you have read or heard that before, is to choose to make money with what you are passionate about and what you do should help others in some way.
Another fact, which is so very important to become successful and get what you desire, is that you get rid of all which is negative in your life. Throw away anything you dislike. Get rid of friends who are negative. Negative people radiate and have a low frequency, which draws you down. Keep a distance to those people. You will feel better if you do.
Instead surround yourself with things you enjoy and like and with people, who are thinking and feeling positive and are as you on the way to success or have already achieved their big goals. You will feel great spending time with these people and things in your life will work out better. You will be surprised about the big and positive change.
In most of us are limiting beliefs, which we often are not aware of. Many are acting in a certain way, with which they are sabotaging their lives. They say that this is how things are, but this is not true. Change limiting beliefs with the help of hypnosis and subliminals.
You can change your life! Change your thoughts, focus on your desires, keep your emotions positive, use visualization and live as if your dream life has already become true, get active, belief in your success.
The important steps for lasting change
Step 1 Get focused Focus on what you want to achieve – make a plan Replace bad habits with good and helpful ones.
Step 2 Change Your belief system Create new beliefs
Steü 3 Change your thought patterns. Eliminate the junk out of your thoughts!
Begin building a new life only thinking of the now and the future.
The Law of Attraction is a Law of Physics
I have written several times about the Law of Attraction and that it is actually minor in comparison to the Law of Vibration. Even though you know and understand what it is about, it takes repetitious thinking and experiencing it until it starts to function for you. This is why I think it is helpful to read more article about it.
Matter, which includes everything you perceive, consists of vibrating subatomic particles that turn into waves and vice versa. Particles vibrating with a certain frequency draw other particles, which are vibrating with the same frequency, to it. They reject particles that vibrate with a different frequency.
Your body is matter, made of vibrating particles. If you vibrate as someone who is poor, you will draw toward you everything that is part of a poor life. If you vibrate as someone who is rich, you will draw richness toward you. To change your life you have to get into the right vibration. If you are in the right vibration you will do what has to be done to achieve what you want in your life. If you start to act as if you already have what you want and do what has to be done to achieve it, you will get yourself into the right frequency. Make the law of attraction work for you vibrating with the frequency of what you want to attract.
If you are sick and focus your thoughts on this sickness, you will stay sick. Your thoughts will keep you in this vibration that made you sick in the first place. If you want to heal, you have to change your vibration. Go to healthy places such as to a park, to a forest, into desert, meet with healthy people, go out to where healthy and vibrant people meet. Doing this you will feel better. In case you don’t have the energy to do this often, do it from time to time. Plan it!
If you are poor and don’t see a way out of it, put your free time into learning what you need to make a difference in your life, watch videos from or about successful and wealthy people. Imagine, how your life will turn around and how you will live, when you have made it. If you can afford it, attend a coaching program. Easily affordable is Six Minutes, which takes only a few minutes a day. The rest of the day the material will work in you and will definitely make a difference with the time. If you follow this program for a couple of months, you will see what a huge difference it makes in your life.
So it is the vibration you are in which controls what you attract and how your life will be in the future starting with tomorrow. If you change your vibration everything around you will change. Changing happen every moment. Just think that there are days, everything works out and all people you meet are friendly. And then there are days, when nothing want to workout and people are behaving ugly toward you. Get conscious about how you feel, when everything works out wonderfully and how you feel, when things turn out wrong. This is your vibration.
When you meet with someone who is in a bad mood, say something friendly and leave. If you hear bad news, don’t dwell on it. Don’t bother, because if you would, it would change your vibration and so things in your life would turn out badly.
As that energy leaves, new cells are created. There is a power flowing to and through you and your entire body is going through an evolution of change. About every 11 month you are living in a totally different body.
Whatever comes into your life, don’t let it change your vibration. If there is a problem, do what you can to solve it and go on with your life keeping a good vibration. Often you can’t solve a problem right away. In that case do not carry the thought about it with you all the time. Make a note, which you keep on your desk or on a file in your laptop and let it be until you get on to solve it. Otherwise let it be and stay in a good vibration.
Well, do whatever you can to be and stay in a good vibration and do whatever comes into your mind to raise it. The higher the frequency of your vibration the better. I found that watching your own mind movie is best to raise your vibration. It get the focus of your thoughts to what you really want. Mind movies is absolutely priceless.
Whenever you don’t feel good or have a negative emotion such as anger or fear, think of something, which cheers you up and do something, which gets you in a good mood. Smiling is good. Even if you force yourself to smile, it is doing you good.
Think about the law of attraction as a law of physics especially phantum mechanics.
The Law of Attraction and the Importance of the Emotional Frequency of Vibration
The Law of Attraction became known with the secret and many try to reach their goal, believing that thinking and imagining will do the job, but this is not the case. Most people just don’t understand how to implement the law of attraction, how to make things happen, how to achieve goals. Thinking is important, but it has to be the right thinking and thinking alone doesn’t get you anywhere. If you want to achieve your dreams, you need to know what exactly what your dreams are about. You need to make a plan and follow it step by step. You need to take action. Nothing will happen if you are not getting active.
Have you ever heard the proverb: If you want to get a chance to win in the lottery, you have to buy a ticket. If you want to achieve a certain goal, you have to figure out what has to be done to achieve it and you have to get all that done.
Right, there still is something missing: Your belief. You have to believe that you will reach that goal. You can help visualizing this goal achieved. Believing and visualizing helps compressing matter, if your wish is a matter. But also situations, which you wish that they happen, will occur faster with the help of visualization.
You are missing the subconscious mind in this? The subconscious mind works for you if you believe in it or not.
The law of attraction does not stand alone. More important as the law of attraction is the frequency of vibration. If you raise your vibration to where it would be when your goal is reached, it will be easier and quicker achieved.
How to raise your frequency of vibration You have to think positive without exception. You have to focus on achieving your goal, get active, be happy about the fact that your goal will soon be reached. If you follow those rules the universal mind and your subconscious mind will help you achieve your goal. If you have moments where you are down, you create a barrier and you might get problems on your way and it will take much longer.
The law of attraction affects you, your friends, and everything which surround you. Be careful, because the frequency of vibration of all people with whom you get into contact will influence you. If you are near to people who are very negative, you will be pulled down.
It is so sad to watch, if someone has a partner or friend, who is negative, and the other tries to pull him out and they both lose. It is that negative emotions are very strong. Is there anyone in your life, including you, you worries too much about what could happen if? You must know that worrying attracts what you or others worry about. You can try to make the person, who worries too much, understand that he or she creates exactly what he/she worries about. That everything will work out fine, if you believe in it. If this person doesn’t get out of the negative thinking and doesn’t stop to worry, it is best, if you have the opportunity, to leave that person, at least until you have achieved your goals. You have to think about what is more important to you and you have to make a choice.