Change one Belief and Your Life will change
Belief System
A Belief System consists of Positive and Limiting Beliefs.
To change your Belief System you have to change your limiting beliefs. Changing your belief system will change your life. Changing only one belief is life changing.
To change your belief system you have to change your limiting beliefs and overwrite them with positive beliefs. It is not easy to find limiting beliefs and it is even more difficult to change negative beliefs and get more supportive ones instead.
Examples for limiting beliefs: People believed that the world is flat and that they miight fall into a kind of hell at it’s boundaries. This kept them from discover the rest of the world. Columbus heard that the world is a ball and this him go to India from the other side. People believed that the train is evil, because of the noise and the steam. They ran away and prayed. People could not imagine that we are able to make an object fly. Today there are thousands of human made flying objects in the sky. People believe that they will die with age 80 to 90 and this is when most of them die, even though we can get a lot older. The moment someone believes that he can get older, he does get older. Most people make as much money as their parents. The amount of money you make is a belief and a habit. Change your belief about the amount of money you can earn monthly or yearly and your monthly income will change.
Positive beliefs are helpful and supporting you improving your life. Example of positive beliefs: Whenever you are certain that you can do and achieve something it is a positive belief. What you might say: “I can do this!” “I will achieve that goal.” “I will pass that exam.”
If you think about what is not working out in your life, you can be certain that a limiting belief is holding you back. As a child you have been conditioned to believe what is holding you back today. So you have to condition yourself to believe into the positive outcome. To change a belief it is very helpful to use visualization, you can use mind movies and are conditioned stimuli.
I believe that you must not think about what your parents and teachers have said or if you picked up something from the media, which has conditioned you to get a limiting belief, which is hindering you today to be successful and improve your life. It is better you condition yourself to believe into the positive outcome.
If you have one goal and work hard to achieve it without much success, then start to visualize that things work out the way you want it.
Your belief system is very complex and it influences every aspect of your life. If you change only one belief of your belief system, your life will start to change.
Get rid of old beliefs that are not helpful and open up for new beliefs that are supporting you to improve. Trigger new empowering beliefs.
Give yourself positive affirmation and speak them out loud and filled with positive emotions. Examples: “I can.” “I achieve the goals I set.” “I believe strongly in my successful and living a successful life.”
The most important belief in your belief system is the belief in yourself. This is why self esteem and self confidence are so important. If you want to give your self esteem and self confidence another boost and strengthen it, listen to the subliminal xxxxxxxxxx. Listen to this subliminal once a day for 30 days.
What do you think about the concept of Belief System and changing limiting beliefs? What are your most important positive beliefs?
Napoleon Hills says in his book: Think and Grow Rich, that you have to fully belief to achieve your goals, otherwise your wish to achieve a goal will stay wishful thinking.
Use your Mind Power and visualize your your goals as if they already are reached. The important part of your mind is your subconscious mind. This is where your belief system is embedded. To change a belief you need to change the programming of your subconscious mind.
Visualization is a powerful, maybe the most powerful mind power technique. Visualizations will support you to build the basis of everything you want to draw into your reality. Thoughts are energy and when thoughts are in line with the programming of your subconscious mind, it will be much easier to get what you want in life..
If you change your belief system, you can change your entire life.
How to change your belief system?
How do you find out your beliefs? Ask yourself questions.
How much money do you earn monthly during the past year or longer? This is your financial belief. If you want to earn more money, you have to change the belief about the amount of money you make monthly or yearly.
How is your body? Is it slender or are you overweight? If you are slender or overweight is your belief. If you want to change your body and get healthier, you have to change your belief about it.
How is your relationship to your partner? Is it happy or are their tensions? The quality of your partnership is your belief. If you want to have a happier partnership, you have to change the belief about it.
You can continue this list and think through all aspect of your life and you will find out your belief system.
How do you change your beliefs?
The control centre for the belief system is in your subconscious mind. You have no direct access to your subconscious mind. Though you can communicate with it by images and repetitions.
We think in images and thoughts result in emotions, emotions in vibration and the vibration sends commands to the subconscious mind and it will make you do, what you thought about.
Let us take the example of an overweight person, who wants to lose weight. She goes to buy oversized clothes, sees herself in the mirror overweight. To sooth her frustration she might then go to have some high caloric food and things are getting worth. She might then go on a diet, stay on it for a couple of days, maybe even weeks, lose some weight and then go to pamper herself with some high caloric food and bam, she is back in your habit. Next, she is telling herself to never get out of this and her belief to be overweight, which is a false belief, is getting stronger.
To change a belief takes a minimum of 90 days of repeating the wanted belief.
The overweight women looks for images of slender women, puts them at different spots at which she looks often. She might make a mind movie with slender women, healthy food, women at training, make slides with affirmations that she will make it and watch it several times a day. She commits to a healthy diet and to daily workout.
It is most important that she commits to stay on this healthy lifestyle for a lifetime. But she will have to force herself to stay on it for at least 90 days. After 90 days she is used to it.
Daily she will tell herself that she can do it and that she is slender, looking at an image of a slender person and saying to herself that this is how she will look after a certain period of time that she has to set, depending on the weight she wants to lose.
During the 90 days she will lose quite a lot of weight. The affirmation that she can do it and that she will be slender at a certain date will have been embedded into her subconscious mind as a new belief. Suddenly the weight will start to go almost by itself. She will have gotten used to the healthy lifestyle and will quite probably not go back into her old one.
Let us go on to find some more limiting believes
Think about goals you had during the past one or two decades or even longer ago, that you did not achieve. Choose one that you still want to achieve. Then think about what blocked you that you did not achieve this goal. If you can name the problem, which is a limiting belief, you can start to reprogram it.
Commit yourself to change this limiting belief. Find images, representing the achieved goal, make a Mind Movie with affirmations that you will achieve this goal. Set a date when you want to have this goal achieved.
Repeat affirmations and watch the mind movie daily. Look forward with joy to achieve your goal.
How long it takes until your limiting belief is changed to the belief that you can make it depends on how strong and deep the limiting belief is. It can take 90, 120 and even one year.
Change one false belief after the other. Some false believes you can package together. Like this you will change your belief system and your entire life.
A great way to change your whole belief system is signing up for the daily success coaching program Six Minutes to Success with Bob Proctor. A short video is send to you daily, which you watch in the morning. Throughout the day you will think about the lesson. The daily videos are re-programming your subconscious mind in a constant and continuous way. Bob Proctor, a millionaire himself, has made many millionaires, know how to lead you to wealth and success. I call Six Minutes to Success absolutely phenomenal.
Change Your Belief System and Believe that You Can
Your belief system determines what you see and what you find possible to see. What you don’t believe possible, you can’t see. You can change your belief system and your life will be transformed with every belief change.
Think of people who watched when the first people tried to build a flying machine. They laughed. Non of them would have lost a moment that one day air planes would be in sky and bring people around the globe in only a few hours.
Think out and above of what is meant to be possible for you today and you will start to see things happen that you couldn’t imagine before you opened up. You will enrich your life in many ways. Just stop to say: “This is not possible.”
What are you able to do would you let your imaginations run out of you as you are not setting any limitations? How would your life change, would you not let yourself be stopped by what other people say is possible and what is just impossible.
Think of Thomas Edison, who patented more than one thousand inventions. There was no impossible for him when he wanted to bring light into this world. Light some candles. It looks nice and romantic, but try to read a book with tiny letters.
I have learned about how to change limiting beliefs and how to build new and strong beliefs in the Online Success Coaching Program with Bob Proctor. Beliefs control our lifes and if you want to change anything you have to change the underlying belief, he says. And he further says that it takes a minimum of 13 months to fully change.
If you believe that you can’t do a certain task, think again. You will probably need to learn something or exercise it and you would be able to do what you couldn’t believe.
Think of what you want and do it. Stick to your plans and don’t let anyone talk you out of it.
Believe in What You Want to Believe
Believe in what you want and you will manifest and perceive it. Read about what to do to believe in what you want. It is about 2 important facts.
What happens if you don’t believe in what you want? How can you find out that you don’t believe in what you want. You are not always aware about false beliefs you might have about something you want.
The outside world, the reality you experience, is actually a reflection of what is going on inside of you. Your belief system and the frequency in which you vibrate influences what you perceive outside. The frequency in which you vibrate is influenced and controlled by your emotions and your beliefs. You just can’t see something that you want, if you don’t believe that you can have it. About how you to control and or change your emotions and your believes a little later in this post.
You see what you believe and you attract what is in line with your frequency of vibration and your belief system. If you tried to draw something into your life and even though you tried hard for some time, but haven’t been successful, you will have to change the belief you have about it. You will very probably have a false belief about it. Think back what your parents, teachers, friends or any media said which you have heard repetitively about what you want to draw into your life. Before you haven’t changed the belief in what you want, you will not be able to manifest it.
Let us assume you want to earn a lot more money as you do till now. Even though you tried out several opportunities to make more money, nothing has worked out. Think back into your childhood. Did anyone say anything negative about rich people? Or did anyone say that it is very hard to become wealthy?
It is not so very important what exactly the reason for the false belief is, you have to change it by repetitions. Think of being wealthy. Imagine how you would live would you be wealthy and enjoy that thought. Repeat it often. Say things like: It’s great to be wealthy. As I am wealthy I can help people who are in need.
But this is only one example for a belief change. You have many beliefs. Some might be interwoven with others. If you change one belief, think if there is another one that might be influenced by another false belief that you have also to change. Quite some work! Just start with one, it will get easier to replace the next false belief with a good one.
Your frequency of vibration is the most important there is. It is influenced by your believing in what you want. You change it with changing your emotions, which means the way you feel about what you want. That you change with changing your belief system and your thoughts. Think about what you talk about. Get yourself into situations that make you happy or increase your happiness. Hear music that makes you feel good. Meet with people that make you feel good.
Make a Mind Movies about the life you really want to live. Include your wishes, you want to have fulfilled, your goals, you want to have reached. Watching this mind movie will raise your frequency of vibration and will enable you to get what you want in life.
To understand all this better: You don’t see with your eyes. Your eyes pick up the frequency of things, which are decoded into an image by your brain’s visual cortex. Only part of what there is enters your eyes. The rest is made up by your expectations, based on your belief system, in this case: based on how you believe in what you want, and how you feel in general and about what you want. You could perceive a quite different world and life if you change your belief system and so change your expectations that your belief system allows you. There is so much more to life, which you only see, if you believe in it!
In short: “Believe In What You Want”.
Create New Beliefs and You Create a New Life
If you create one new belief after the other, you will have changed your life in a few months from now. Start today!
Would you write on a piece of paper a for you now incredible goal, take it into your hands, read it and imagine and visualize it several times a day, it would surely become your reality, says Bob Proctor, success coach and author. Doing this you would create a new belief, the belief that you can reach this goal. I suggest you not only read, but also write your new belief down several times a day and if you put some emotions with your visualizations, you will condition this new belief and reach this goal faster. If you want to put a quicker gear into manifesting this goal, you make a mind movie with images, which represent this goal and watch your mind movie as often as you can.
Tools for your life change: Writing your new belief Reading your new belief Imagining your new belief Visualizing your new belief (in your mind or with the help of mind movies) Living as if you have already reached your goal
You have to write your goal, respectively your new belief as an affirmation. It has to be in the present tense and as if you have already reached respectively conditioned it. Then write this affirmation several times a day for at least three weeks. Each time after you wrote your affirmation, read it several times.
Like this you send a command to your subconscious mind. We are lucky that the subconscious mind needs us to repeat our commands, until it is getting active and supports us to get what we want. Would the subconscious mind react after we just thought about something, our lives would be a mess. Even though it is not so easy and takes time to change a false belief, replace it with a new belief or create a new belief, it is worth the effort. Step by step we can change our lives as we wish.
We all have lots of false beliefs, which we have to change and replace with a new one. So start right away creating your first new belief to create a new you and a new life.
If you don’t know where to start, begin writing about your life as a dream. Think that in a dream everything is possible. If you dream, dream big! Don’t forget, you must write everything in the present tense. Consider changing every aspect of your life: professional life, your monthly income, your savings and investments, health, family life, partner- and friendships, your home, your lifestyle, travelling and whatever you can think of.
Here an example: I love my work. While I research and write an article I forget about the time. I enjoy getting into contact with people all over the world. It feels great when I can help someone, knowing that he/she will live a happier life thanks to understanding the law of attraction better. – I only eat natural foods and feel refreshed after each meal. – I take an hour each day to work out.
The first new belief might be that you love your work. That you enjoy doing whatever it is you do. The next new belief might be that you like to eat natural foods. If you get this belief engrained in your subconscious mind, you will almost automatically buy only natural foods and walk buy the aisles with all the industrially produced stuff that you used to eat and which has made you feel tired, depressed and has made you be overweight.
If you are overweight, you must not make it a new belief that you must lose weight, but rather that you have a great slender body. Visualize to go to buy new clothes. Feel how much fun it is to buy new clothes with this wonderful slim body. See yourself how you look into the mirror in the store. You can imagine that it is the store of a designer. Isn’t it a wonderful feeling to wear new and fashionable clothes?
So sit down and write about your life as you wish it would be and be certain that this will become true, though it takes some effort.
Then look at what you wrote and choose one part of it on which you start to work right away. Write it down in the form of an affirmation, write it out several times and do this every day in the next three weeks. Then put the paper with the affirmation written on it into a drawer and forget it for some time. Take vacation from creating your new life.
Continue one or two weeks later and choose a next part of your new life. Do the same as I described in the previous paragraph.
Truth - Knowledge - Belief
What is truth? What is knowledge? What is belief? How does truth, knowledge and belief cohere? Is there an absolute definition for truth, knowledge and belief?
Truth is the absolute reality, which is the most general definition. The ‘truth’ is that there are numerous definitions and theories about truth. Reality is the state of things as they actually are, but if reality exists is heavily discussed amongst scientists and thinkers. Reality is differently perceived from each single person. It is not as dense as generally believed. If reality is not the same for all, there can’t be a general truth.
Truth is partly based on knowledge and partly on beliefs of each person, though truth is apart of belief. A belief can, but must not be true. A belief can be based on false knowledge. For example, until a couple of years ago it was the truth for the roman catholic church that the earth is not round as scientific knowledge that the earth is round and circles around the sun was not excepted by the church.
We all have our individual beliefs, which can differ significantly from beliefs of others. Beliefs are based on individual knowledge. Beliefs are programmed during childhood, change regularly with the time and can be changed willingly during adulthood.
This article is not a scientific composition. It is written by an individual author and the content is based on knowledge and beliefs of the author.
The preceding content is based on the individual reality of the author, which is not as dense as generally believed. In science something is true until it is falsified. Knowledge doesn’t change, it grows. Beliefs constantly change and during a longer period of time change significantly.
What does all this mean in regard of the topic of this blog, which is life change? Each person lives in his own reality, which is based on his individual perception. Perception is based on individual beliefs. When beliefs change perception changes.
Each individual is influenced by the reality of the masses, therefore part of the individual reality concurs with the general reality and that is believed to be the truth.
As the perception of an individual can change as a result of the change of a belief, his reality can change and therefore his life changes. A belief can change as a result of newly won knowledge. This can happen by chance or by will of the individual.
If you want to change your life, you have to change a belief, and subsequently your perception of things will change. As the change of one belief can influence other beliefs of an individual, his belief system changes.
Believe to Get What You Want = Believe that you will get what you want
Any wish held in your mind gets into its appropriate form, if you follow a few steps. As a child you did it to get what you want. Do the same again.
You can get anything you want if you follow the laws. Any wish held in your mind gets into its appropriate form, if you follow a few steps. As a child you did it to get what you want. Do the same again.
Andrew Carnegie said: Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared nor revered, will begin at once to mold itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available. You absolutely can get what you want.
This phenomena and says that it is a universal law.
Think back when you where a child, you knew how to make any wish come true. 1.When you wanted something, you knew exactly what you wanted. 2.You told your parents that you want it. You could and you did explain what you want into detail. 3.When you did not get it right away, you explained what difference it would make in you life, would you have it. 4.And then you offered to do something, would you get it, for example that you would always hold your room in order. 5.You continuously talked and of course you continuously thought about your wish, until it was fulfilled.
Today you want a new car or a house, a successful company. 1.You need to know exactly what you want. Do research. 2.Explain into detail and in writing what you want. 3.Find out what difference it would make in your life, would you achieve your goal. 4.What are you willing to do to get it? What do you have to do to get it? 5.Get a vision of the goal you wish to achieve. Have it in front of your inner eye and don’t lose it until you have achieved it.
Change Your Life as You Want With A Strong Belief
You can change your life as you wish profoundly and you can get anything you want if you have a strong belief.
No matter your religion and no matter what Christ means to you, it is about the message he gave, which is so very powerful and helpful in any moment of your life.
Read these bible verses and think about it. And then always, meaning throughout your life, remember it. These verses can help you in any circumstance and they can help you get anything you want.
Luke 17:16 He (the Lord) replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.
He is telling you that if we strongly believe in ourselves, we can make anything possible. Just think about the power we have!
But there are obstacles put into our system from our parents and teachers. From early childhood on we were told that we can’t have anything we want and we are told about risks and that we should be attentive. Those are limiting believes that are engraved in our subconscious mind and part of our programming.
We can change the programming of our subconscious mind by repetition. We have to constantly remember that we have to strongly believe and after some time of repetitively thinking that we can have what we want the programming in our subconscious mind will change and our life will change.
Read the next bible verse, where Christ reminds us that we need a strong belief to make the impossible possible and that we should not doubt.
Matthew 14:29: “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
Do not doubt that you can make it, that you can get what you want, and always hold on to a strong belief. Believe in what you want and you will get it. Eliminate all doubts as they have no use. They are only holding you from getting what you want.
Is Healing thanks to Beliefs or is it a Miracle?
Is it the power of healing beliefs or is it miracles that make people hope for being healed when they visit miracle healers? Looking for evidence.
I saw documentation about Joao de Deus, a miracle healer in Brazil. Scientists and surgeons tried to find out more. One surgeon has watched him perform open operations. He was fascinated and dazzled that there was almost no bleeding and that there were no inflammations, even though no precautions were taken as this is done in operation rooms.
A medical scientist had his brain activity measured. It showed that it is highly active while he heals, while the brain activity of patients is very calm. Joao de Deus says that he feels as if he sleeps and someone else takes over. He is a medium of doctors, he says.
Some of his patients are soon healed, others need to see him several times to be healed, some report no improvement and in a few cases things got worse. They all report to experience bliss. People, who where operated with open wounds without anaesthesia, could feel what he does, but they had no pain.
Questions stayed open. Is Joao de Deus a miracle healer or is it the belief of his patients? Jesus Christ said to a lady who was healed after she touched his clothing: Not I, your belief has healed you. He said that would our belief be stronger, we could make mountains move. This was thought to be a similitude. But listening to quantum physicists, there could be truth behind it.
Some quantum physicists say that our life is more an illusion as what we perceive as a reality. They say that we form things with our thoughts. We can heal ourselves with the power of belief.
One thing is certain that there is truth in the healing power of beliefs. Having a sickness, it takes both, the right therapy and the belief. Scientists who are looking for evidence that miracle healers have healing power, can not find out more as that there is something going on in the medium.
The Secret of Success is Belief A Strong Belief Can Move Mountains
A woman suffered with a sickness that kept her in heavy pain and she had been told that it is incurable. Then she heard that would she get to touch a man called Jesus, she would be cured in an instant and that this man was in town. She asked herself, if she should believe what people said. If it was true what they said about him, she would be cured and otherwise no harm would be done.
She went toward the center of the town and looked for him. She found him surrounded by a group of hundreds of people. As he walked along a lane, the whole crowd moved with him. They all followed him, staying as near to him as possible and thereby formed a human shield. It seemed impossible to get near him. What an incredible man he must be to be followed by so many people, she thought. She fought herself through the crowd, reached out to touch him, until she finally managed to at least getting to touch his robe for a split of a second.
It was that very moment she had touched Jesus’ robe, when she felt that the pain was gone and she knew that she was healed. So it was true what people have said about that man. He was a miracle man.
The woman shouted words of thanks and gratitude. Jesus stopped and turned toward her and said: “I have not healed you! It was your belief. You have to thank yourself!”
Why do most people constantly doubt themselves? Would their belief in themselves and what they are capable of be just a little stronger, they could achieve their goals without much effort.
Do you have a goal and you try hard to reach it, but whatever you do does not work out? And then there are people who make anything they start doing become a success. With the moment of the idea of a new business venture they say that it is the best and most prestigious project. And why do those projects definitely become a success?
They don’t doubt! Their belief is as firm as a rock.
Why do you doubt? Ask yourself that question. What is it that you put against a positive outcome of your projects? What if it is not good enough what I do? What chance do I have that this company employs me? What could I do that this woman loves me? Maybe she never will! What if I go bankrupt, when I start with my own company?
Find an idol and learn from them. How would they phrase your doubtful thoughts? What I do is the best! This company will be happy to employ me. This woman will love me, because I am a great person. My company will become a great success!
Think about your thoughts and do not allow doubts. Doubts are like constantly pouring cold water into a soup on the stove, that it can never become hot. Switch the temperature of the stove up and wait until it boils. Feed the belief in yourself and skip any doubts! This is the secret of success.
Learn Why and How To Change Your Belief System to change your life profoundly, create and live a successful life the way you want.
Change your Belief System and your whole life will change automatically. You can call your belief system the base on which everything else in your life is build upon. The control center for the belief system is in your subconscious mind. As soon as you start to change your belief system everything in your life will change.
You have no direct access to your subconscious mind to change the programming of your belief system, but you can change it the way it was programmed. It was programmed by repetition. You can accomplish the repetitive re-programming consciously and subconsciously and you can target the new programming into the direction of how you want to change your life.
A belief system can be described as your life stance. This is your relation with all you accept that is of ultimate importance to you, the commitments and presuppositions of that, and the theory and practice of working it out in life. Most of your beliefs are embedded in your subconscious mind and often you are not consciously aware of them. False beliefs block you when you wish to achieve a certain goal. To be successful and live a successful and happy life you have to get the beliefs of your subconscious mind in line with your goals and wishes.
There is a lot you can do to change your false beliefs. Never before in history we dedicated so much time and money to our mental well being. Expressions like personal improvement, self improvement and self development became an important part of our lives, an ever growing section in the book market and lots of products are offered that are focused on enhancing our mental well being and development.
Do not make the mistake to be disturbed that so many new books about this topic are published and so many programs are launched. We all are on the way to a higher level of being. As with everything in life, to improve we have to learn, need to be taught, need the support of someone who is knowledgeable, and last but not least we have to exercise what we have been taught.
Only people who prepare themselves for the new challenges in the time to come will be able to make the jump to the next era.
The Importance of Your Belief System You are controlled and directed from your belief system that is set in your subconscious mind. You don’t have direct control over your subconscious mind. From early childhood on your belief system was programmed by your parents, other family members, supporting figures and your environment. Each belief is programmed by repetition and can be reprogrammed by repetition.
If you have a certain consistent problem in life, you have a mental block = you were programmed with one or more false and very limiting beliefs that are blocking you to solve that problem. For example you never were good at school even though you tried hard. It is possible that one of your parents said something repeatedly that you are not good at school or that you will never finish high school because of whatever reason. That was a false belief that got embedded into you subconscious mind, which then did everything that your belief becomes true. This is the reason why you have not been very good at school.
If you have a certain consistent problem in life, it helps if you find the trigger = the underlying false belief that is blocking you. You might verbalize an affirmation that would turn this specific limiting belief around and repeat this affirmation often and while you repeat the affirmation feel the joy of what you want to accomplish with what you say in the affirmation. To only repeat affirmations without feeling the accompanied emotion is not very efficient and still only repeating affirmations take a long time to change the limiting belief. Use also subliminals that strengthen the affirmation. Subliminals are much more effective than pure affirmations. In subliminal recordings you don’t hear the spoken affirmations. They are sent directly to the subconscious mind where the limiting belief is embedded. In supraliminals there are affirmations that you don’t hear and affirmations that are spoken out loud, so you could repeat them in your mind or spoken out.
If you want you can make your subliminals yourself choosing your own affirmations. You can make several subliminals each to change one belief. Use one at a time. Choose one belief and work on it for several weeks, before you start changing the next false belief.
Every person has several limiting beliefs in his belief system. If you know or detect limiting beliefs, you should make a list of them, give each a priority and then change one after the other.
How to entangle your belief system and find limiting beliefs
Think years back and think about what your wishes and goals have been and if you have achieved them. Make a list of your wishes and goals from long ago. Mark the ones that you did not achieve. Then try to get back further to find out what the reason is that you did not achieve those goals. Investigate one goal at a time.
It is not very important to find the correct phrasing of a parent or supporting person, who has inoculated a certain limiting belief. The moment you have discovered a limiting belief and can name it, you can find means to reprogram it.
Our belief system is complex. As our beliefs control and guide us in life, they are of utmost importance. Our beliefs are responsible of the choice of our profession, if we are successful or not and how much money we make, our lifestyle, our friends and acquaintances, how we treat them and how we are treated.
Think about your beliefs. What do you think about yourself, your abilities and potentials? What about your income level? What do you think about how much you have achieved in life and how much you believe that you are able to achieve? What do you think about the way you live? Are you happy with the way you live? Do you want to change the way you live? Do you believe you can change the way you live? What do you think about rich or poor people? What do you think about different kinds of people? What do you think about different professions and people who pursue these professions? What do you think about people who are overweight or people who are slim? What do you think about different countries and people who live in certain other countries? Continue to ask yourself a variety of questions regarding your beliefs.
As you go on to think about a lot of different things in life, you will detect your belief system and understand how complex it is. You must not change all of your beliefs. There is no reason to do that. You might discuss with others if a certain belief is right or wrong and you might not find a correct answer. Just think that everything has two sides. There is no above without below, no right without left, no dark without brightness. So there is no need to change your entire belief system.
You will only want to change beliefs that have prevented you to achieve your goals and to live the life you really want to live. This is why I suggest that you don’t start to think about what limiting beliefs you might have, but rather think about goals, desires and wishes you had and/or still have and did not achieve yet, even though you tried hard. Like this you will find the important limiting beliefs.
When you start to figure out why you did not achieve a certain goal, there might be more than one false belief that has held you back from achieving it. I suggest that you think well and think back into your childhood. If your parents are still alive, it can be helpful if you talk with them and ask them what they think about a certain goal. Do not argue anything. Just take in the information. If you have brothers or sisters you could talk with. You might recall long forgotten phrases that you have heard as a child. Let us assume you wanted to become a lawyer, but you became a sales person and you don’t really enjoy your work. Therefore you are not good enough and you don’t make a lot of money. Ask your parents what they think about lawyers? Ask them, if they would have been happy if you would have become a lawyer. Ask them what they would have wanted you to become. This is only an example. Ask your parents many questions to find false beliefs. But do not blame them for anything. To feel negative emotions or get others feel negative emotions is contra-productive.
Also think of the environment in which you grew up. Think of TV shows and advertisements you have seen that you still recall. Think of what you have often heard in news broadcasts. Some of your beliefs, and most of them are false, come from there.
Are you a parent and do you get into verbal fights with your children? Are you getting into verbal fights with friends or does it happen that you can’t understand certain points of view from a friend? Think if you are absolutely right with your point of view or if it is that you only have to accept another point of view. Your point of view is based on one or more beliefs and your belief system in general. And then: Everything has two sides and both of them can be right. Try to be more tolerant.
You now understand how complex your belief system is and how much it influences every situation in your professional and in your private life. If you change your general belief system, that is to understand and accept that you can change everything in your life, you will change your life the way you want it.