Change Your Habits to Improve Your Life
A habit is a certain behaviour that you do again and again. It is a habit when you are doing something automatic. To change a bad habit you have to replace it with another habit. When you replace one habit with another, you have to do it again and again until it is habitual. You have achieved to replace an old with a new habit, when you do something automatically, as you have planned to change it, which means without having to focus on doing it the new way. Make what is important to be done regularly a habit, if you like or dislike it.
When you change wrong habits and replace them with good habits you will definitely improve your life.
Think, why you have a certain bad habit and do this with all habits you want to change. You might find out that a bad habit goes hand in hand with another bad habit. In this incident you should change both bad habits together. And always think that you need to replace a bad habit with another habit, of course with one which will improve your life.
Change one habit at a time
After you have made your life plan and figured out that you have quite a few habits, which you have to change, if you want to achieve your goals as set in your life plan. You are eager to change and you understand that you have to change all those bad habits, but do not try to change all habits at once. It is the same as would you try to achieve all your life goals at once.
When you have made your plan, you have a list of habits which you want to change. Take this list. If you have not yet given each habit, which you want to change, a priority, do this now. I would suggest that you give habits, which you want to change and which are easy to change, a priority of one. Go through the list and give each item on the list #1 sub-priorities. Then go through the list again and give the habits, which are important to be changed, the priority two and make sub-priorities. Then look at the goals, which you want to reach soon. Go through the list of habits, which you want to change, and think which habits you should have change to achieve the first goal on your list with short term goals. Give each of those habits, the priority. #3 and give each of the habits with priority #3 sub-priorities.
Change habits in increments
Go through the list habit by habit and write down with what habit you will exchange the old one and think if you will change it at once or if you better change it step by step. Think about learning a language. It is just impossible that you learn a foreign language in a month. You learn a little each day and exercise what you have learned. If you planned to be better as the best in your field and you are far away of this goal, you will get quickly discouraged would you try to achieve this goal over night and probably give up. If you try your best to get better as you are now, abd continuously get better, you will reach your goal.
If you want to wake up an hour earlier, it is easier to get used to get up earlier if you do it in 10 or 15 minute increments. Set your alarm clock ten minutes earlier and stick to getting up 10 mintues earlier for a few days. Then set your alarm clock again 10 minutes earlier and leave it there for a few days. Do this until you reached the time you have planned to wake up.
If you want to eat less. Do it in increments and stick to eating a little less for 3 weeks. You are used to eat too much for too long and your body needs to get used to less food. If you make the change slow, you will not bounce back. After some time you will eat less without having a problem with this change as your body got slowly used to it..
Think about what is difficult about changing a certain habit
Think how you could make it easier for yourself to change each single habit, which you want to change. To do the change slow is one approach. To be supported by hypnosis, subliminals and mind movies is very effective. When the next habit, you want to change, is one which is very difficult to change, do it slow. If you have a relapse, don’t think about it, just go ahead and focus on sticking to the habit with which you want to replace the old one.
Certain habits you might want to consider to change
Await more in general
Try to do everything better each time you do it. Await more from yourself. Await more from your life. Await and think to make more money the coming month. Be nicer to your life partner and your children. Be more orderly and more organized. Think of what else you could improve.
Time Be on time at every meeting in business and private. Calculate heavier traffic to get to the meeting place on time without excuses.
Get up on time. Get up when the alarm rings. Have some music start to play about 15 minutes before wake up time. It will then be easier to get up.
Think of time as something precious. Do not lose too much time for things which are not necessary. Don’t be on the phone too long. Keep chatting during your work time short. Be more efficient to save time. Think about what you do with your time. Think about how you can save time. If you are used to go to the gym after dinner, instead go to the gym on the way home. When you are used to watch televsion.a lot, think about what you watch and if some of the time would most probably be better spend talking with the other family members or do sports together or play a game. Go through your emails once a day and think what is necessary to be read and think about the lenght of your answers.
Take time to relax, for sports and for your family.
Eat good food
Think about what you eat. Get enough animal protein, it made us humans get different from apes and it gives energy, and eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. When you eat processed food, read the label. Stop eating a certain food if the list of ingredients is long. Think that it is a habit to eat what you call your favourite foods. When you eat more natural foods for some time, it will become a habit and certain natural foods will become your new favourite foods.
If you are used to stop at a drive-in restaurant, take instead a piece of fruit with you which you eat on your way home. It will become a habit and you will wonder how you could eat fast food Well, it was not really eating, it was throwing it into your mouth thoughtlessly while you focused on driving and traffic. You could also make it a habit not eating in the car at all. Just have a bottle of natural water in your car. Have every day a new bottle or pour fresh water into the bottle.
Eat more natural food. Drink more water as anything else. Stop drinking sodas which are usually high on sugar or another sweetener. Get used slowly to not drink anything sweet. Put less sugar or less sweetener into your coffee every couple of weeks. After some time you will wonder how you could drink such a sugared coffee. A cup of coffee just black without any sweetening tastes great as you taste the pure coffee.
Do not change your eating habits over night. Do it step by step and give yourself and your body time to adjust. Start with replacing your breakfast with natural and vitamin rich food. Eggs, cheese, fruit. Don’t change anything else for 3 weeks. Then replace the oil with which you cook. Use coconut or peanut butter oil for cooking. Coconut oil has less calories as any other oil. Olive oil is not for cooking. Extra vergine olive oil should be used cold. Just think, why buying cold pressed oil when you then heat it. Use it as a salad topping. Start buying better quality meat. As a side dish choose vegetables. Try to often eat vegetables raw. Replace the industrially made salad dressings with oil, vinegar and herbs or with self-made mayonnaise. Have fruit and nuts between lunch and dinner. In winter you can add dried fruit.
Eat slower. From the moment you are full it takes 20 minutes until you consciously realize that you are full. In these 20 minutes you can eat a lot which would make you more overweight. When you eat slower. the time of being full will be near the time you are feeling full.
As you plan to change your eating habits, imagine that you will feel more energetic and that your health will improve. At the other hand, think of the health problems you might have to face with the time, if you stick to your old eating habits.
Make it a habit to commit yourself to stick to your plans and to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.
Prepare your mind before you start changing a habit
Use wish videos to get your mind used to the habit which will replace an old one. If you don’t find the right images in the software of mind movies that rerpresent a certain new habit, look for it in the internet. Type in the word or a search phrase of the new habit in Google and click on images. Import the image into the mind movies software. Watch your mind movie with the new habit several times a day for several days. You will see that it will be much easier and with almost no willpower to achieve the habit change. It is possible after watching your “habit-change mind movie” for several days that you start to apply the new habit almost automatically. The mind movie is a habit changer.
Habits are set in your subconscious mind. Mind movies are targeting your subconscious mind and reprogram it with what images and affirmations you feed it.
You can also look for a hypnosis or subliminal audio which will support you in your habit change.
Change Your Habits and your life will change
A habit is a certain behaviour, which you are doing over and over again without thinking of continuously doing it. It is a habit when you are doing something automatic. To change a bad habit you have to replace it with another habit. When you replace a habit with another, you have to repeat the new habit until it is habitual and you automatically do it. You have successfull replaced an old with a new habit, when you do something in a way you wanted to change it and you are doing it without having to conentrate doing it the new way. The moment certain tasks are a habit, you will even do what you dislike almost automatically.
When you change bad habits you will surely change your life to the better.
Use Subliminal Recordings to change bad habits without effort.
Think, why you have a certain bad habit and do this with all habits, which you wanted to change. You will learn that one bad habit goes hand in hand with another. Change all habits that are interconnected.
Always think that you have to replace a bad habit with another habit and replace it with one that is supporting you to change your life successfully.
Change one habit at a time to achieve a lasting life change.
After you have made your life plan you will find out that you have a few habits, which you have to replace with another. Go ahead to plan how to change those habits.. To make big changes in your life, you must understand that you have to change all bad habits, otherwise you would not become successful in your life.
Use the power of hypnosis to easily change bad habits.
Do not make the mistake to try to change all habits at once. It is the same as would you try to accomplish all your life goals at once. It is just not possible! Would you try to do it, you would soon be discouraged and get back to your old habits. All your planning and preparations to change your life will be lost time. Don’t let this happen. Read on to learn how to plan to make habit changes slow and lasting.
Take the replacing of bad habits serious. Already the first habit change will ignite a general life change. You will be surprised how much difference already one little change makes. With each change your life change will continue to increase, with each done and achieved change it will be easier to achieve the next planned change and you will stay with a new habit. Best of all: With each successfully made habit change it will be faster to accomplish the next one.
This is a wonderful secret of successful, profound and lasting life change. If you continue slowly, you will soon understand that this is actually the fast way as you will stick to your plans and not give up. Give each habit, which you want to change, a priority
When you have made your life plan, you have a list of habits that you want to change. Open the file with this list. If you have not yet given each habit, you want to change, a priority, do this now.
Priority groups 1, 2 and 3 #1 I would suggest that you give habits, you want to change and which are easy to change, a priority of one. #2 Go through the list again and give the habits, which are important to be changed, the priority two. Then look at the goals, which you want to reach soon. #3 Go through the list of habits, you planned to change, and think which habits you should change to achieve this goal. Give these habits the priority three. You will change them while focusing on achieving the goal. This is an example. You can make any kind of groups you want.
Make sub-priorities 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 - 2.1, 2.2, .... and so on.
The next step is to make sub-priorities. Look at the habits, which you planned to change, with the priority one and give each of those habits a sub-priority. The first will have the #1.1. Go through all habits with the priority one and continue with priority two and three, until each item on the list has its own priority number.
There will be some habits you can change together. It will be the easy ones. But take it easy. Think that this is a life change and it will be better to change those habits slow and the changes are lasting as if you make all changes at once and in a few weeks from now you give up all together and stay with your old habits.