Improve With Workout
TIME: You first have to make time for working out. Ask yourself, where you loose too much time? Make a day plan in which you schedule time for what you have and what you want to do and skip things which only cost time, but are not necessary. Find ways to get information you need faster. Workout while you watch the news or a movie you really want to see.
Note: Running and other cardio training methods can be done in the early morning. Working out with weights and strengths training are better for the afternoon or evening.
To perform a workout method which you dislike is not a good idea. If you do not like running, maybe you like bicycling or the stair master. swimming, playing tennis, or roller-blading. If you do not like to work out with weights, maybe you enjoy martial arts. There are many different ways to workout from which you can choose. You should find one in the category cardio (= aerobic) and one in the category strength. Try several methods until you find one or more in each category which you enjoy.
Your body should not get used to one type of exercise done for a certain
period of time. Do vary types of exercises and the time you exercise. Vary the types of exersice. Also vary the intensity of a workout. For example: Lift weights slower or faster, do 10 repetitions of one weight exercise and next time 15, use heavier and next time lighter weights. Do 30 minutes during one weight lift session and 50 next time.
If you believe that workout with weights is not for women, you are very wrong. Would all women regularly workout with weights, they would not have several prolbems which are coming with the age, when the woman did not train her body: like osteoporosis, weight gain, pack pain and more.
Circuit Training: doing several different kinds of exercises in a row can be fun and challenging. For example: Do some floor exercises (push
ups and the like), go on the tread mill and then lift weights. Each for 10 minutes and then start from the beginning.
Timetable: Make time to workout 5 days a week for 30 to 60 minutes, 3 times for cardio and 2 times for strength.
You have fixed a time for your 5 times a week workouts and you have found several workout-methods. So let’s start!
Always warmup first.
When you start to workout, start out with 10 minutes of exercise a day and after a few days ad 5 minutes. Do NOT overdo it the first time as you will not feel good the next day and you would loose the joy which you will have when you get your body slowly used to it.
Regular Workout
Regular Workout Raises Your Frequency Of Vibration, which is essential to manifest what you want in life.
Regular Workout Raises Your Frequency Of Vibration, which is essential to manifest what you want in life.
You have to work out regularly to live a successful life.
If you want to live a successful life, be happy and feel good, you have to work out five days a week for a minimum of thirty minutes. The average time of workout per week is five hours to stay healthy, flexible and vibrant.
Our bodies were made to move, but many of us sit most of the day and wonder, why their body went out of shape and why they constantly feel so tired.
I often emphasize on the importance of the frequency in which you vibrate to manifest successfully what you want in your life. Workout is one of the means, with which you can raise your frequency of vibration. If you neglect physical exercise, you will also have a problem to manifest.
Regular workout is crucial for your health, but it is to a relatively huge part responsible for a higher frequency of vibration, which is necessary to manifest a better life. I seldom write about how important physical fitness is. If you mainly care about your mental fitness, you will not achieve all your goals and I hope you understand that, because this is a very important point.
The result of working out several times a week is that you will feel more energetic. You will be more flexible and feel lighter in a very positive way. You will appear younger as you will be more vibrant. And most importantly, you will manifest quicker as you raise your frequency of vibration with regular workout.
Watch people in the streets and in malls. You will see people with great and upright bodies. And then there are older people, who’s body is slightly bowed and when something falls on the floor, they have a problem to fetch it. If you want to walk upright and be able to make any usual move into high age, you have to work out regularly.
Think that you are a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual being. If you read and study a lot, you develop mentally. But if you neglect your physical being, your mental being will suffer.
Make regular workout part of your day.
How to plan time for regular workout into your daily routine
Ten minutes is not such a long time. When you get up in the morning, stretch your body for about three minutes and then make some floor exercises while you watch the news. It is even better, if you can make yourself go jogging. Jogging in the morning is wonderful. You will have to get up earlier, but you will get this time back as you will work more effectively.
When you come home from work, you will probably feel stressed out. If you go jogging for half an hour, you will come back refreshed. Go jogging two to three times a week for thirty to forty minutes and on consecutive days, workout with weights. As a man you will enjoy to have more muscles and as a woman your body will get beautifully shaped. If you are a woman, you must not be afraid to get too muscular, if you exercise with weights for thirty to sixty minutes two or three times a week. To get muscular a woman has to workout several hours each day, which is not necessary to stay fit.
Get yourself free weights. You can wonderfully exercise with free weights and you don’t lose the time to go to the gym. You can watch TV or watch videos on your computer, while you do strength training. You find lots of workout with weights videos on the internet or buy a book or a CD with exercises.
Don’t get into a firm routine with exercises with weights. You have to change your workout routine. Change the weight of your free weights and change the speed of lifting them. You don’t have to do all your strength training at once. You can do 15 minutes before dinner and twenty to thirty minutes sometimes after.
Think of staying healthy, flexible and vibrant all your life and therefore plan to do some workout regularly. And think of what a regular workout routine does to your life: You will definitely raise your frequency of vibration and therefore manifest whatever you want to draw into your life faster.
Stay Flexible with Regular Workout
To stay flexible, you have to be flexible in your mind and body. You have to keep your mental and physical felxibility throughtout your life, which you can only achieve if you regularly workout your mind and your body.
Never stop to learn
To stay flexible in your mind (mental flexibility) you have to continuously learn something new and stay informed and you should read each day in a book. If you stop to learn and don’t read for some time, your mind may get kind of rusty.
Have a talk with someone, who did not read for a while. During the first talk those people might tell you something about their past, but should you meet them again a talk with them will get boring. They complain about the weather and about some ailments. When you have a talk with an elderly person, who never stopped to learn, you will love to listen as this person will have a lot to talk about.
The flexibility of your brain (your mental flexibility), is interwoven with the flexibility of your body (physical flexibility) in more than one way First, if you are physically flexible, you will also be flexible in your mind. And second, when you workout you breathe differently as when you sit. While you workout more oxygen will get into your lungs, which increases brain activity. Furthermore, our body was made to move. To stay healthy you have to move. But today most of us sit the whole day.
I have been told from people that when they come home from work, they are too tired to go jogging or do strength exercises or go to a fitness center. They don’t even try. They don’t understand that they are not physically tired. Many of them have a problem to fall asleep, because they are not really tired as they sat on a chair all day long and drove to work and back home with their car.
The moment you are in your workout outfit and start to move, more oxygen will come into your lungs and you will quite suddenly feel energized. To workout for 30 minutes each day is already enough and if you make it ten or twenty minutes longer it is sufficient. You will sleep better and feel better.
In some companies it is expected that managers go jogging in the morning. The reason is easy to undertand. When you are jogging your blood circulation will be boosted. You will not come to the office, wish to be still in bed and therefore get yourself first a cup of coffee and during the day you will again and again fight against sleepiness. On the contrary, when you come to the office after you have been jogging for half an hour or so, you will be wide awake and maybe have fresh ideas with which you walk with energetic steps to the morning meeting. Your voice will be strong and you will radiate aliveness and activeness.
In the evening, when your muscles are warmed up, you should do strength training. What has strength training to do with success? That is a no-brainer. If you are strong, you will radiate this strength and it will be seen as powerfulness. Look at some of the very successful people and then imagine them being physically frail.
There is no question about why daily physical training is very important on your way to success. If you are not training regularly, then make it a habit to workout at least five times a week for 30 minutes to an hour. You will feel better, be more energetic, be more productive, work more efficiently and the result will be success.
Stay physically and mentally fit and flexible, because this is part of success in life.
How to get Yourself go Jogging Regularly
I have experienced many years back that the moment you start doing something, which has to be done, its almost done. And I made it a habit.
For example, when I see that a shirt needs some little repair, I immediately put the box, in which I keep my sewing stuff, onto the dining table. I like things in order, so that box is quite disturbing there. Even when I am very busy, I get it done before the next meal. The moment I start, it is quickly done.
Getting back to jogging regularly In the past two years I was so busy that I just “did not find time” to go jogging, which I did 3 times a week for more than 15 years, plus I worked out with weights twice a week. Two years not running and no strength training shows on your body! I did not put on weight, but my body was not as firm as I was used to it for so many years (okay I am frank: for decades).
So I made the decision to get myself go jogging 2 to 3 times a week as I did until two years ago. And so I went jogging and it felt so great. On the way back home I met a lady, who is a couple of years older than I am. I haven’t seen her for a few years. She always was slim, but now she looked frail.
When you stay slim without working out, when you get older your body becomes frail, which doesn’t look nice. I said to myself that this will not happen to me.
The benefits of jogging combined with working out with weights are manifold. Your body stays strong and firm and will not end up walking with sticks when you get older.
Two days later I did not get myself away from my desk. It was dark when I looked up and it really was too late to go jogging. And the same happened the following day.
How did I solve that problem?
Long before the time I planned to go jogging, I slipped into my jogging shoes. It is uncomfortable to sit with those shoes. It didn’t take long and I got dressed for jogging and off I went. And I enjoyed it.
Every day I plan to go running I now put my jogging shoes aside of my desk right after lunch. It is easy to slip into them. Somehow they act like the red shoes in the fairy tale The Red Shoes. They almost start walking and then running by themselves. But differently as in the fairy tale The Red Shoes, I take them off when I am back home. And I always feel great after a round of jogging.
And then, another benefit of jogging: As you feel refreshed, you then work more efficiently. One more benefit of jogging: While jogging I sometimes get a business idea or an idea for a blog post as this one.
Put things that have to be done in front of your eyes! I bet, you will get them done.
Travel Workout to stay fit while you travel
Travel workouts have a special importance. You usually don’t think about working out and how to stay fit while you travel. But travel workouts should not be neglected. When travelling for business you are at meetings most of the day and often there are meeting at dinner time in restaurants. So you sit the whole day. The body is not tired, but you feel tired and when you finally get to your hotel room, you have emails to answer and then you go to bed and sleep as the next day will be as stressful as that day was. How to stay fit under these circomstances.
When you spend your vacation at an ocean side, you lie in the sun and go swimming a little. In the evening you enjoy dinner and probably eat a little more as usual. You don’t think about travel workouts. And what for thinking about how to stay fit, as you are on vacation.
During a sightseeing tour you walk a lot and when finally sitting down you have a drink and dinner. You enjoy to taste the food from another region or another country and eat a little more as usual. There is no time for travel workouts and you believe that all the walking is enough to stay fit.
As a result of travelling you get a little out of shape and put on some body fat. To avoid that, you should get used to a travel workout program. Make it a habit to workout when you come back to your hotel, even if you are feeling tired. Get used to travel workouts and take it as serious as when at home. This is how you stay fit, even when you travel often.
No matter if you are on a business or vacation travel, go jogging in the morning or in the evening. Running will prepare you for a hard day. It releases endorphines, which makes you feel great. The right start for a successful day.
If your hotel has a swimming pool, it is great to go swimming in the morning and before dinner. Make time for it. In some hotels there is a workout room. Go and use it and if it is just for ten to fifteen minutes, it already makes a difference for you to stay fit.
If there is very little time, work out in the room, whenever there are some free minutes. Do push-ups, squads, jump and run on the spot. If you do some workout in the morning, before you get dressed for the next meeting, you will appear more alive, energized and be more alert to what is going on in the meeting. The reason is that while you workout endorphones are released.
Bodyweight Exercise Program
Every country has its own kind of sports and each country has its own kind of martial arts, even European countries. Ask your business partner what kind of sports is done in his country. Go to one of the clubs and ask if you can participate in their training for an hour or two.
Ask your business partner if he is doing any kind of sports and ask him if you could do something together. He will be happy, because when you join him, he gets the advantage to train and this in a business meeting. It will make the relationship stronger. If it is about an important deal, you will most probably get it, if you share sports together with the other side of the deal.
On vacation, even though you really want to relax, force yourself to do some workout. At a beach you can run along the shore. Make exercises in the water. When you are back in your hotel room, make push-ups, squads, run on the spot, jump and there are lots of other exercises you can do in your room without any equipment. Bodyweight exercises are very effective. Just think about your own weight!
There are lots of bodyweight exercises for which you don’t need any equipment. Bodyweight exercises are great for strength training.
Working out makes you feel good and you stay fit, even if you travel a lot. It produces endorphins, which are the good mood hormones and raises your energy level.
Physical Fitness Correlates With Mental Fitness
I have written about this topic how much physical fitness and mental fitness correlates before. It is a topic that is of importance for anyone.
Elderly people who stay physically fit have a good memory into high age. If an elderly person learns something new, for example starts to learn a foreign language, his mental fitness improves fast and the also the physical fitness increases fast. The same goes with exercise. If an elderly person starts a regular workout program he also becomes mentally fitter.
What counts for elderly people of course counts for younger people too. Younger people should follow a regular workout program throughout their life and they should constantly learn something new and they will stay fit mentally and physically into high age.
It is about how well you will live your life when you are getting older. It is your choice and a decision you should make as early as possible.
To stay physically and mentally fit you will stay independent. This is immensely important. You don’t see all the older people, who are not fit and who need help throughout the day, as they are in homes and spend most of the day sitting or lying as most of them can’t walk anymore without help.
Most people don’t think about getting old and when the first age problems are felt and seen, they complain about life, but usually not about the fact that they never prepared for staying fit. In European social countries it is the people who work, who pay for the costs of the elderly who spend theirlive’s evening in homes for the elderly or in rest homes where they have to be cared for around the clock.