A Healing Tool
MIND MOVIES as a healing tool that will help you to manifest and support your healing, shorten the healing length, make your medical therapy more effective and increase your self healing force.
A Mind Movie is a short 3 to 4 minute video which is a combination of positive affirmations written in present tense, reinforced with powerful photos and images, all chosen yourself, and your most emotionally inspiring music. Creating your own Mind Movie is very effective. It is the first step manifesting healing or whatever you want. The effectiveness comes from choosing photos, images and affirmations yourself and the repetition of viewing your mind movie as often as possible.
By watching your Mind Movie at least twice a day you start manifesting health and you stay focused on your health and the assuredness to heal quick so that when you take action in the direction of your healing goal not only will your subconsciousness take action on your healing but you have also enlisted the universe all you need to heal: doctors, therapies, medicine and when it is essential also the money you need to be healed.
The Mind Movie Creation Kit provides you with all the programs, templates and step by step video tutorials so it is easy creating your own Mind Movie from start to finish.
So even if you are a complete computer novice, you can easily make your own powerful Mind Movie of your most perfect health. With the Mind Movie Kit you can get started straight away. Creating an effective video will definitely support your healing force and your healing process.
This honestly takes applying the Law of Attraction to a whole new level. You will be stunned by the results you will get.
Watching your Mind Movie twice a day will sent your wish to heal to the subconsciousness which does is doing most of the self healing. It will boost your healing process, shorten the healing length incredibly, which is the reason why mind movies is a supportive healing tool. For your doctor it will be as it it was a mystical healing. Your subconsciousness will let you know what to do to reach the state of health.
If you take advantage of the SSA program of Mind Movies, you will be able to have your Mind Movie run continuously as a transparent film on your screen, almost not seen from you consciously, but the subconscious mind will be programmed through the repetitions.
You will be surprised about what you will suddenly start to do, about what therapies might be offered to you or doctors, who are specialized on your health problem, might appear in your life. All this happens because you got your conscious healing wishes in line with your subconsciousness. People will say that it was a mystical healing, but you will know that you have to thank your fast healing to a great extent to Mind Movies.
Start healing faster by creating your own Mind Movie.
What you have to do, before or after you made your mind movie: You have to eliminate all negative emotions you have. When you are angry, about yourself or anyone or any situation, you are filled with negative vibrations, which make you sick sick and hold you from becoming healthy. If there is any other negative emotion, think that it prevents you from healing. Only when you are filled with positive vibrations you will be healing quicky and magically. Second: You need to have goals what you will do when you are healed. You should imagine and find pictures for your mind movie, to be able to do everything which you can’t before you are healed. Why: It might be that your subconsciousness is holding you back to heal as you are possibly afraid of doing a particular thing. And then: Think of the part in the Bible: This woman who ran behind Jesus, hoping to be healed when she gets to touch his robe and when she did she was healed and thanked Jesus. Jesus said: “Not I have healed you, but your believe!” This woman was so sure she would be healed, when she touches just for a bit the robe of Jesus. And after she touched his robe, she was healed instantly.
There are lots of people who were healed from terrifying sicknesses more by their believes as by the therapies or on some cases they were given up and still they healed as they wanted so much to heal.
Start Your Self Healing Process
Click on the image below to see what Mind Movies is about:
In this interview Ryan asks John and gets answers to the questions: How and why visualization works. How to get your subconsciousness to agree with your consciousness. The one thing that can make any visualization tool more effective. How to ignite your motivation towards any goal. And more...
Get yourself from being sick to being healed and start having and achieving new goals. To a great extent most in life is your choice. With mind movies you will start the healing process you could not think of before. The healing lenghth will be shortened depending on the strength of your believe which will be helped by the repetitions of seeing the pictures of your mind movie. Pictures which you have chosen. The pictures represent your life after you have reached the destination of your healing journey, were your healing process is completed. See mindmovies as a supportive tool in your healing process.
Start creating your own mindmovie. It is easy. With the Mind Movie Program you get all necessary software and tutorials.
Mind Movies is the most effective tool which will help you to achieve all your goals and fulfil every wish you have. If need to heal, see this as goal #1. To make a Mind Movie is easy. As soon as you start watching it two or more times a day your life will begin to change into the direction you have chosen. Of course you can make several Mind Movies, each targeted to one aspect of your life - one for healing physically and another.one with your material wishes. After you have completed the healing process, you can move on and make a mind movie for your next goal. You can make as many mind movies as you want.
How and why do Mind Movies works? To achieve a goal your subconsciousness must be in line with your consciously set goals, otherwise you could work hard and things would just not work out. If you have a health problem your subconsciousness plays a big role. If you want to heal, you have to get your subconsciousness onto your side. The moment your subconsciousness understands that you really want to heal, you will be healing fast.
To make your subconsciousness be in line with your consciously set goals you must repeat the thought and have the feeling to achieve the goals and you should keep this picture in your mind. Are you able to do as if you are healed? Try it. To keep the picture that you have been healed is not easy in our everyday life as we are too often side tracked. Watching your mind movie in which you see yourself healed,, you look at pictures and slides with written affirmations. The pictures go much easier into your subconsciousness as when you just think of it. The more often you look at your mind movie the faster your subconsciousness will get the message and start the healing process, your healing force will be reinforced, the healing length shortened. So your mind movie will definitely be a supportive healing tool.
What is it about the subconsciousness? As a child you were programmed. Your parents might have said things like: “You can’t always have everything.” And they probably have said this many times. Because of the repetitions it went deep into your subconsciousness. What have you been told or read about your health problem? Could there be anything in your mind which lengthens your healing process, which got deep into your subconsciousness? When you try hard to get something, your subconsciousness does everything possible that you don’t get what you want and you can’t achieve your goals as this is what its task since childhood or since you read something about your health problem is: You can change this - with repitition. Look at picutes in which the healing process is completed. Mind movies helps you on your healing journey. You only have to watch it twice or more times a day.
I repeat: You reprogram your mind as it was programmed – by repetition. Qhen you look at your mind movie again and again your life will turn around. It might happen a little each day. It also could happen that nothing seems to change (at the outside) for a relatively long time, but suddenly something happens and your life is not the same any more as things have suddenly turned around. The pictures of your mind movie went deep into your subconsciousness, which got into line with your conscious wish of healing and healing fast.
The reason for shortening the length of the healing process is:
1) The false programming of your subconsciousness can be very deep and strong, so it takes a little longer to be reprogrammed. or 2) Your healing does take a little longer.
You can support the healing process by believing that you will heal and not giving up this believe.
As you watch your mind movie lots things will happen like mystically. Well, it is not really a mystical healing. It is that your subconsciousness was working hard on your healing. The actual healing force is your subconscious.
But let me tell you this, and this is important: A wishful thinking does not get you anywhere. Mind movies is a supportive tool. You may not stop your therapy. Mind movies will make the therapy more effective and so shorten the healing length. If your doctor told you to follow a certain plan than take it serious and do as you are told. Nothing happens without action and the action is following your therapy which will finally lead to healing.:
1) Know exactly what you want: It is complete healing. But be precise from what you want to be healed. If your health problem is too big to be healed in a short time, start with l with being healed partly. You will certainly choose bigger goals after your healing made the first step forward. You will know when the time has come to move on and make a larger healing put into a mind movie. Go on your healing journey as far as you can imagine it. Be precise on when you want to have your healing process go to the next step or be complete.. As soon as possible could be in ten or twenty years. “In 6 months from now I want to have completed my healing journey.
2) What do you think has to be done to complete your healing process? There might be steps you are not able to do right now. Still, write all steps which you see necessary to complete your healing down. Then make a list of all steps you are able to do now and start with the first. Be sure that you will arrive the destination of your healing journey as your subconsciousness will find a way how you can get the steps done you now believe that you are not able to do. For example: You do not have the money you might need to pay for an operation. Someone might come and help you. The technology also in medicin changes almost every day. Some new technology might get known to you, which might help you healing. So just go ahead and start with the first step to finally complete your healing process..
Do not forget to watch your mind movie at least twice daily. This is essential. Maybe it is the most important step on your journey to heal. From the beginning until you have reach complete healing you will not forget them. You will always have the pictures, representing your complete healing in your mind and nourish your subconsciousness.
Do not think that your healing process might be impossible. You will be healing. Be certain about this fact. Believe that you will be healed at the set time. Just think: What would it do for you if you don’t believe it? Exactly, you would throw obstacles into your way with thoughts which are against completing your healing process.
Negative thoughts, as mentioned at the beginning, cause problems and sickness. Positive thoughts cause a positive vibration and a healthy mind. Only a healthy mind lives in a healthy body.
Your subconsciousness can’t make a difference if something or a certain situation is real or not When you send it pictures of a complete healing process, it will get active until you are healed, no matter how big your health problem is.
You watch your mind movie several times daily, you feel happy knowing that you will behealed soon, you follow your therapy and what your doctor is telling you to do = The result will definitely be a complete healing process.
Why is so very effective when you are creating your own mind movie?
You choose the pictures that represent your healing seen from your point of view. You choose the affirmations that stand for your healing and that say with your words how quick you want healing. Your emotions will go with it.
What happens when you watch your mind movies?
The pictures and affirmations, you chose, will make the Law of Attraction work for you, which will be most helpful to achieve full healing.
Now, imagine that you can be healed competely. Start with the first step of your healing process and after you have achieved it, go on to make a mind movie for the next step, make a plan, in which you write down what you have to do to continue your healing journey. Your healing at the second step will happen much faster as in the meantime you know that mind movies plus an action plan works, that you surely will achieve also the next healing goal and the next and the next...
After you have arrived the destination of your complete healing, go on and find a next goal and make a mind movie which will help you to achieve it.
Many people have healed themselves from many different sickness and health problems. Sure there are health problems which your body can’t repair by itself, but you can get rid of pain and have repaired as much as it is needed for you to life a happy life. Make a mind movie in which you are absolutely healthy, laughing all over – look for pictures with people who inspire you. It should be pictures which make you feel good. And believe that you will be healed.
Is the reason of your health problem your weight? Make a mind movie in which you are slim. Look for pictures of people who are slim, who work out, and who enjoy life fully. Your subconsciousness will help you to achieve this goal almost effortlessly. Believe in it and look forward how wonderful it will feel when you are slim.
Whatever the goal is you want to achieve, creating the final outcome starts with making your own mind movie, and if you wish so, several mind movies. In the video tutorials you will be explained how to download the software you need to make slides and put slides and pictures together to make it a video – your mind movie.
You already have reached the destination of your healing journey you only have to perceive it. Start living as if you are already healed and fully healthy Your subconsciousness can’t make a difference and the more you make it understood how your life looks, the more it will help that your life is as you want it - with pictures you show your subconsciousness how you want it to be.
To make a mind movie takes only 3 easy steps. With the Mind Movie Kit you get a video tutorial for each step.
Step 1:
Create a short script for your Mind Movie.
If writing is not your thing, the video tutorial for this step will almost do it for you. It will help you to find affirmations representing what you want in your life and how to find words for your achieved goals and healing process. Note: The written words, sentences, and affirmations must be in present tense. A tomorrow can be any next day from any day sometimes in the future. But you want to be healed at a specific day. So use the date: With August 2010 I am completely healthy.....
Step 2:
After having written your affirmations, you will start with step #2. A video tutorial of the Mind Movies Kit will explain how to find pictures on the Internet. You will be creating the life you want to live - healthy and happy.
Step 3:
In step #3 you will put the affirmations, written on slides, and the pictures, you have chosen, together and you will then publish your own mind movie. You can keep it on your server that it stays completely private, but you can also publish it on YouTube.
In the video tutorials you will also be shown strategies to make your Mind Movie look sensational in record time.
Plus you'll be given some advanced neurolinguistic programming (NLP) secrets you can use that will access your subconsciousness even faster.
You'll be so proud of your Mind Movie you'll love watching it even more.
Start to make your mind movie now. It's easy, it's powerful, and it's exciting! You can do it right after you ordered the Mind Movies Kit, and begin manifesting within a few hours.