Manifesting Desires is easy with the Visualization System
MANIFESTING DESIRES with the Visualization System
Visualization is a very effective manifesting method.
In the Visualization System you learn everything you need to effectively visualize.
With visualizing exercises you will learn how to visualize. And you will also learn how to write a visualization script.
Before you start visualizing your first goal or wish, you will write a visualization script.
You will learn visualizing with closed and with open eyes. Visualizing with closed eyes is the classic visualization method. Visuaiizing during meditation is much more effective. This is why you will also learn vibrational mantra meditation. This has a very high value.
1. Visualizing with opfen eyes is perceiving what you want in your reality. 2. With the actor’s method you act as you wish 3. You will live as if your dream life is already your reality.
You will learn how to use Visualizing Tools: 1. You will learn how to make a wish video, 2. You will make a vision board. 3. You will learn how to use a pocket image
When you read a book, listen to an audio or attend a seminar, your focus shifts for a few days, then you fall back to your every day routine and your previous habits. When you are visualizing once or twice a day your wish-list is sent to the subconscious jind which will make the actual manifesting work and bring your desires into reality. It will let you know what to do to manifest anything you desire - as much money as you want, to become as wealthy as you wish, to have a happy relationship, to be healthy, and to live your life to its fullest. As soon as you have achieved all wishes you have now, you will change your visualization script and begin visualizing your new wishes.
You will be surprised about how much and how quickly you will be manifesting. You will draw money into your life and become wealthy in a relatively short time - if you so desire. You will meet people you always wanted in your life, you will meet the partner of your dreams, and if you are in a relationship it will get better. A happy relationship will get better as it already is. Health problems will diminish or maybe be eliminated. All this happens because you got your conscious wishes in line with your subconscious mind.
But attention: Visualizing is not enough. You also have to become active.
Enjoy to manifest all your desires and the transformation of your entire life!
The Visualization System is a very effective manifesting method which will help you to get anything you want in life. As soon as you start visualizing and using sevveral visualizing methods. your life will begin to change into the direction you have chosen. Of course you can visualize to achieve more than one goal and more than one wish. .
How and why does Visualization help so effectively in your manifesting process?
To achieve a goal your subconsciousness must be in line with your consciously set goals, otherwise you could work hard and things would not work out. You might have wondered, why you have not achieved a certain goal, even though you worked hard. You might have wished to make more money, but when you were sure that you will get a raise, something has happened that you did not get it. The reason are blocks in your inner programming.
To make your subconsciousness be in line with your desires, you must repeat the thought and have the feeling to be able to be manifesting your desires and you should keep this picture in your mind. This is not easy in your everyday life as you are too often side tracked. Visuaizing once or twice a day, helps you to keep your focus on your wish, Watching your wish video once daily, will double the effect, The pictures go much easier into your subconsciousness as when you just visualize it. The more often you look at your wish video the faster your subconsciousness will get the message and start manifesting for you. See, it is not your consciousness which is manifesting your desires into reality, but your subconsciousness .
What is it about the subconsciousness? As a child you were programmed. Your parents might have said things like: “You can’t always have everything.” And they probably have said this many times. Because of the repetitions, it went deep into your subconscious mind. When you try hard to get something, such as more money, your subconsciousness does everything possible that you don’t get more money and even though you try hard, you can’t make more money. Your subconsciousness has been told since childhood that you can’t become wealthy and that you can’t have all you want. With Visualization and using several visualization method and tools, you will change the programming of your subconscious mind, which controls you and your life.
You reprogram your mind the same way as it was programmed – by repetition. When you are visualizing and watching your wish video once or twice daily, you will be manifesting more and more of your desires and your life will change to the better. The manifesting process will work a little each day. It also could happen that nothing seems to change at the outside for some time, but suddenly something will happen and your life will not be the same any more as things have suddenly turned around.
The reason for this is: The false programming of your subconsciousness can be very deep and strong. It has held you back for too long This is why it might take a little longer until you begin to manifest what you want.
As you watch your wish video daily lots of things will happen by surprise. Well, it does not really happen by surprise. It is that your subconsciousness is manifesting eagerly. During the manifesting process you will meet people and find what you need to realize your desires.
But let me tell you this, and this is important, it is a manifesting secret: A wishful thinking does not get you anything.
What you have to do to manifest your desires
1) Know exactly what you want: If it is money, be precise how much money you want. I want more money, could be a dime more. I want to earn 25.000 dollars a month, is exact. Start with an amount of money you can imagine to earn in a given time. As soon as the amount of money from the first step is on your account, set in your affirmation a higher amount of money. You will know when the time has come doing so and this might not be far away.
Also be precise on when you want to earn this amount of money. As soon as possible could be in ten or twenty years. In 6 months from now I want to be debt free and regularly earn 20.000 Dollars a month, is exact.
2) What has to be done to earn the desired amount of money.
There might be steps you have to do, which you are not able to do now. Still, write all steps, which you see necessary to earn the desired amount of money down. Then make a list of all steps you are able to do now and start with the first. Be sure that you will earn the desired amount of money, because your subconsciousness will make it possible for you to get everything done. For example: You do not have the money you need to invest. Someone might come and want to realize your idea with you. You have the idea and he gives the money. Or it is a skill you don’t have. You might find someone who might be most interested to be in your team who has this skill. So just go ahead and start with the first step to earn the amount of money you desire.
Watch your Wish Video and Visualize daily. This is essential. Maybe it is the most important step in earning the amount of money you desire. This is the secret of manifesting:
Do not think that your goals, the desired amount of money you finally wish to earn, becoming wealthy, heal from a health problem, or anything else you desire, might be too large to achieve. You will achieve it. Be certain about this fact. Believe that you will earn the desired amount of money at the set time.
Why do some people, who get very rich, suddenly lose all their money and wealth? Because they are afraid to lose it. So, do not think a single thought on anything negative. Negative thoughts are what they are called: negative. Eliminate them. They are not helpful to earn money or to achieve anything. Instead think positive and believe.
Your subconsciousness can’t make a difference if something is real or not When you send images of a large amount of money to your subconscious mind, it will get active to help you get it until it is on your bank account or well invested.
If you visualize and use several visualization methods daily, you will feel happy knowing that you will earn the desired amount of money and you will follow your precise plan step by step = The result will definitely be that you earn the desired amount of money..
Why is it so very effective in manifesting your goals when you are creating your own wish video, which is an important and effective visualization tool?
You choose the images that represent money and all you want seen from your point of view. You choose the affirmations that you like Your emotions will go with it.
What happens when you visualize and watch your wish video?
Visualizing and your wish video will make the Law of Attraction work for you, which will be most helpful to be manifesting anything you desire.
Imagine that you can earn whatever amount of money you desire, no matter how wealthy you want to become, a relationship with a man/woman you have not met yet, heal from a chronic health problem, or anything you might desire to start manifesting. Begin with one wish and when you have manifested it, go on to make a visualization script and a wish video for the next of your wishes. Make a plan, in which you write down what you have to do to manifest it and get active. The manifestation of the next desire will happen faster with the next wish. You will be manifesting also the next wish and the next and the next.
You want to become wealthy? Make a wish video and visualize which will help you to manifest money. Make a wish viddeo to manifest as much money as you desire.
You want to live in a new home? Visualize and make a wish video with your dream apartment or house. You will be manifesting more than enough money to buy the house of your dreams.
You want to buy a new car? Go and choose your car, visualize and make a wish video with pictures from it and soon you will be manifesting the money to pay for it and to pay for the monthly costs.
Do you wish a happy relationship and do you dream of a happy family? Make a wish video with images of you with the perfect partner and the situations in which you want to be together with her or him. If you are unhappy in your relationship, make a wish video with images from the time you were happy. The happy time will come back. Make a wish video with images showing a happy family. Look for images which make you feel good and look forward that you will make such a photo of your family yourself, if you know your partner already or not. This wish video you can watch together with the wish video you made to manifest a money making goal. Visualizing and with your wish video you will be able manifest any of your desires.
Do you have a health problem? Many people have healed themselves from many different illnesses and health problems. Sure there are health problems which your body can’t repair by itself, but you can eliminate pain and have your health restored as much as it is needed for you to live a happy life. Visualize and make a wish video in which you are absolutely healthy, laughing all over – look for photos with people who inspire you. It should be photos which make you feel good. And believe that you will be healed and be completely healthy.
If your health problem holds you back to live a full life. Make a wish video in which you see yourself do what you are not able to do now. Visualize that you can, it will be the beginning of manifesting a healthy and happy life. Think of the men and women who lost both their legs and dreamed of playing soccer and then they played soccer from a wheelchair and they are happy and proud when they win as any other soccer player would.
Is the reason for your health problem your weight? Visualize and make a wish video in which you are slim and begin manifesting a slim body. Look for images of people who are slim, who work out, and who enjoy life fully. Your subconsciousness will help you to lose weight almost effortlessly. Believe that you can manifest the body you desire and look forward how wonderful it will feel when you are slim.
For anything you wish to manifest, create first the final outcome, which starts with writing your visualization script and making your wish video.
You already earn as much money as you desire, you only have to perceive it. Start living as if you already earn the desired amount of money. Your subconsciousness can’t make a difference and the more you make it understood how you want to live, the more the subconsciousness will help you that your life will be as you desire.
The Law Of Attraction will kick in and you will quickly start manifesting your desires.
Your dreams, desires, wishes, goals are automatically imprinted on your subconsciousness every time you visualize and/or watch your wish video.
And that is how fast you will be able manifesting your new life. Struggle and frustration will dissolve and will be replaced by joy and abundance.
You quickly become the Designer Of Your Destiny as you now know the secrets of manifesting.