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Dare More And Dare To Be More

How to get into The New Thinking and Transform






How to Improve
Self Improvement
Plan Your Life Transformation
Imagining how to improve
Visioning to improve
Visualizing for improvements
Manifesting to improve

Improve with Hypnosis
Learn to Meditate To Improve
Improve with Mind Movies
How to visualize with Mind Movies
Improve with 7 Steps to Happiness
Know Universal Laws

Improve with Mind Power Perfection
Improve with Money Making Mind Power
Improve enhancing your Mind Power
Improve with Mind Power Mastery


How to Solve a Problem

How to solve a problem is answered: with visualization or meditation. Visualize the problem solved and use visualization to solve any problem with ease.

When I have a problem, I first think about how I could solve it. Some problems are best to just leave as is. They solve themselves.Others are solved in increments, as for example if you need to lose weight it is best to make several weight loss goals. And you have to get active to solve a problem. When you meditate regularly, you come out of your meditation session knowing the solution of the problem. - People who meditate, have no problems, they know the solutions. They think and act solution oriented.

There are so many different problems one has to face in life. While you go to school, you might get bad results and you have to learn more and maybe get a private teacher. You fall in love and if the other is not interested in you, you have to handle lovesickness. You broke something and you have to tell your parents. Then comes the time when you need money to solve a problem and you have to find ways to earn it yourself. Problems in your professional life come. There are not enough sales. You need to do more advertisement, but there is not enough money for it. So you have a financial problem. Problems over problem!

Couldn’t we get problems out of our life?
There are voices who clearly say yes. What can you do, to get problems out of your life? First, you can take problems as challenges. And second, with every time you solve a problem you learn that there always is a solution. You can see something positive in every problem. And, most importantly, become a solution thinker.

Usually if you have a problem you think about it over and over again and it seems not to vanish. This is clear as whatever you focus your thoughts to becomes bigger. Thinking of problems is negative thinking. With negative thinking your frequency of vibration gets lower, which literally makes more problems.

How to solve a problem?
What should you do to solve a problem?

You have to get a ‘problem-solving’ thinking and you have to raise and hold your frequency of vibration high.

Here are the steps to solve problems and become a solution thinker

#1 Sit down, relax and think about what would be the outcome of the solved problem. Do not think about the money you might need to solve a problem, but of the end result.
For example if it is a money problem, it is that money comes flowing into your bank account. If it is a broken car, it is a new car. If it is a relationship problem, it is a happy togetherness with your partner or finding a new partner. If it is that your child is sick or addicted to drugs, it would be a doctor telling you that the child is fully rehabilitated. If it is a problem with your company, it is to see the balance sheet with a huge profit.

#2 Take a sheet of paper and write down everything that comes into your mind, which you have or could do to solve the problems you have now. In several cases there will be several ways to solve a problem. Really brainstorm what could be done.
Then go through your notes and think through each problem solving idea and determine which of the different ways would be best.

#3 Visualize and make a Vision Board or a Wish Video with the end result in mind. Look for photos, which represent the solved problem. A wish video will help you change your frequency of vibration. Watch your wish video with images showing the solved problem wice a day,

#4 Get active to solve your problems. Di what has to be done to solve a problem. Look for someone to help if help is needed. Whatever the problem is, be certain it will be solved shortly. It wouldn’t help, if you would not believe in the solution.



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