Who has more wisdom as His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who talked about transforming tragedy into strength and about the different states of happiness.
New Delhi, India, 9 January 2011 (by Tsering Tsomo) – By adopting a realistic approach to problems, His Holiness the Dalai Lama said, one can transform tragedy into strength no matter how big the obstacle is.
Inner Strength has to be achieved. It is not a characteristic which is
God-given. With every challenge your inner strength will grow. To have a strong inner strength is very useful throughout your life. With practice one can strengthen his inner strength with his will, but it will not become very strong without having gone through a hardship. Inner Strength is a mental capacity. When you are strengthening your body, you will probably also strengthen your inner strength.
I have always felt that difficult times in my life have made me stronger. It took me some time to understand that after a difficult time good times come back. When a problem arises today, I don’t lose time on negative or helpless thoughts of feelings, I look for a solution and there always is one and I know that no matter how bad a situation is, there is a way out and sometimes the good part of life comes bback for a sudden.
While I was in my last years of my university studies, I worked 12 hours in a metal trading company, came home and prepared myself for the last three state examinations reading thouasands of pages, having a quite strong inner strength was useful. When my father died on cancer and my mother and I had him at home, my inner strength was there and grew. When I walked over 230 dead bodies after a plane crash, I believed to be strong, but some time later I found out that I was in a deep shock. It was especially during this time that I learned more about my inner capacities and that my inner strength grew.
If you for example had an accident and your face got damaged and you can hardly speak, you find a way to be happy and this happiness can be of a much better quality and this happiness is based on firmer grounds. The accident has given you an inner strength that you did not have before the accident. It is not the appearance that is of importance. The accident made you think about what is really of importance. Stop to focus on appearance, rather feel what there is.
We tend to think about our life not so much during happy times, but in difficult times. If something bad has happened to you and you can hardly believe to be happy again, then think! Start to feel more what is inside. This is what everyone radiates. It is the inside which makes someone loveable and loved and not the outside. Of course a beautiful face is nice to look at, but when the inside does not fit the outside, a beautiful person become ugly when you come nearer.
After an acciddent in which you were insured, you need some time to overcome the tragedy. You ask yourself, why did this have to happen to me? But then think about what you can do with your life now. If you can hardly speak, you can write. If things are so bad that you can’t meet with friends and have fun, then you have more time doing something that is worth more as just having some fun which is short lived. Read about Helen Keller, who was deaf and dumb. Or look at the personality of Stephen Hawking and his work.
Think of other great people! They did not become great, because they had some fun. Think of mother Theresa. It did not matter how she looked, but what she has done to help people in need. If you get your fulfillment from being part of a group and not from just thinking of yourself, you will reach greater happiness and surely more inner strength.
Whatever has happened to you, you can find a new purpose, something that is of quality and value. The moment you start following your inner voice and start doing something that was meant for you to do, which you would not have done before a difficult time in your life, mainly because you did not have the inner strengtht, will get you more fulfillment and more happiness. Because of the difficlt time your inner strength grew. Think about how valuable you can be for others, because you have gone through a hard time, which has made you stronger.
One of the universal laws decrees that everything which is good is also bad. What is a little good is a little bad. What is very good is very bad. This means that, if you had a very bad experience with bad aftereffect on your body or mind, you will find something very good about it. You will find out what it is, if you stop thinking with your ego, but include others into your thinking. And the moment you start giving, you will get.
We are not born with strong inner strength, but have to develop it. Without some hard time in your life, you can’t get this kind of inner strength that makes you special and makes you choose a purpose that is not self centered, but has a higher purpose, which is much more fulfilling as looking good and having some short lived fun.
You must not become another Mother Theresa. Think of Bill Gates, who became very rich and lives a rich life. He has found a new purpose, which is helping people who are sick through supporting medical research. He could not do that without being rich and having his financial means grow. But he surely could appreciate his life. He is only an example. There are many others, who have experienced, that when they start giving they get back. meaning that the more they give money to help people, the more their financial assets grow. As their financial assets grow, they can give even more to help more people who are in need.
If you find more inner strength, you will become more successful. Think outside of your little box in which you usually are, think bigger include others into your thoughts and about what you will do with the rest of your life.