Is healthy food and regular workout a habit of yours? If yes, you can skip this page.
If a lot of processed (canned and packaged foods or ready made foods) are part of your diet, you do not eat as healthy as you might believe.
If you want to improve your healthy lifestyle, start to enjoy eating healthy foods and stick to a regular workout.
Tips up in front: Do not force yourself to make a lot of quick changes! After a relatively short time you would get back to your old eating habits and gain the weight quickly back, which you have lost during the weight loss diet.
How to do it instead? 1. Get a Vision of how you want to look and feel. Even though you might be very overweight, try to live with this feeling you believe might be the result of losing all the body fat and weight you plan to lose. 2. Write down what you eat for 3 to 7 days. Everything you eat during the day. If you eat a packaged food, include the name and brand. 3. Write down what you believe you need to change to look and feel better, which includes all the foods and the quantity you believe you should eat and the time per day you should work out. 4. Do not change everything at once, but rather start with changes one step at a time and add another change three weeks later. Give your body time to get used to a change and adjust, before you continue with your transformation. For example: Add vegetables to your meals and eat a little less of bad carbohydrates (bread, pizza, pasta. dumplings, potatoes). Every 2 to 3 weeks add little bit more of good carbohydrates (vegetables) and eat less of bad carbs. If you enjoy eating a lot of pasta or pizza instead of meat, poultry and fish. Start to have one or two meals with protein (meat, poultry or fish) and vegetables twice a week and every 3 weeks add one more day per week where you eat protein with good carbs. 5. Eat enough to not be hungry during the day. Have several little portion meals a day, rather than eating once a day a large meal. Do not deprive yourself of what you crave for. Have a little of it and en joy it. 6. Eat slow, chew well, put fork and knife aside, while you chew, instead of constantly filling your mouth.
I now ask you, what is the most important of all you have read on this page?
It is the way you will feel when you have lost all the weight you wish to lose. Try to think yourself into this feeling already now. Try to live with this feeling and if you can’t take a few moments several times a day and try to imagine how you will feel. You will not be so tired as you are now. You will be full of energy. You will want to move and you will have fun to work out each day. You will enjoy to show yourself in tight jeans. Imagine how differently the people will look at you and imagine how proud you will be. Imagine how you stand in front of a full body mirror, seeing yourself. Try to move as you will in a few weeks or months from now already today. You might be quickly out of breath when you walk as someone who is thin. Imagine with what ease you will move fast. Imagine how much fun it will be when you jogg/run, which you should not do as long as you are too overweight. You might damage your knee joints.
How to make changes in your eating habits
Not to eat enough for some time to lose weight and this repeatedly makes fat in the long run and you will for sure not feel good. What happens is called the Yo-Yo-Effect. In other words: With a low-calorie-diet you might quickly lose 5 to 10 pounds and put on 5 to 6 in a matter of days or weeks. The outcome of regularly eating too much .... does not need any further statement. It does not make you feel good. And let us be frank: An overweight body does not look good.
Do not make a huge change at once. The mistake of most people, who realize that they need to lose body fat, is, that they suddenly make a huge change in their diet, which is a shock to the body. Right, it does not feel good. Some try hard to stick to a firm diet and after a short period of time they are getting back to their old eating habits. Some people have lost hundreds of pounds in several years and have put on far more than they have lost. A strict diet does not work out.
Forget about counting calories! They are not at all as important as until recently believed. Forget having to eat something you dislike. What does not make you feel good, just is not good. Only eat what you like to eat. Try different nutrient rich healthy foods and find out what you like. Listen to your body how you feel after having eaten certain foods. Several foods promoted to be healthy might not be good for you. Your body knows better what is good for you as nutrition gurus do. Right, it is important that you feel good and not that a guru feels good.
Write down what changes in your eating habits you want and most probably should make and then change one point on the list at a time. Go to the next point on your list after two to three weeks. Like this your body will get used to the changes and will adjust and you will rather not lapse back, but more and more enjoy your new eating habits. and yes, you will feel good.
Whatever you eat, chew it well. This will make you be satiated faster. From the moment when our body got enough food, it takes twenty minutes until the information has reached the brain and we get conscious that we are satiated. In these twenty minutes one can eat a lot, which is too much. The result is a feeling of fullness, which is contra the feeling good phylosophy which is of utmost importance. To prevent to eat too much it is good to eat slow, to chew long and well, to put knife and fork aside from time to time, have a talk and make a break between the courses. Like this you get the actual point of satiation near to the moment when you feel satiated. Absolutely right, you will then feel good.
How to actually make one change at a time. Example: You want to eat more fruit and vegetables, eat less fatty and more lean meat, poultry and fish. and skip the heavy carbohydrates.
Begin buying better quality meat (if possible organic) and prepare it the way you are used to. Three weeks later change the oil you use for cooking. Read about different oils, which are good and which are less good. Also there are oils, which should not be used for cooking as they burn , which is the case with olive oil. Instead you can use coconut oil. Do not overcook. Cooking too long and with too high heat kills the vitamins.
Next step: Put vegetables onto your dinner plate in addition to the usual potatoes, rice or noodles. Every other week add more vegetables and put less potatoes, rice or noodles. When you nibble on something between meals, get slowly used to grab fresh or dried fruits, nuts, vegetables. Always have at least three weeks between each change.
As long as you need/want to lose body fat and weight, do not eat the same amount of foods each day. Eat a little more as you should one day, the next eat little less and one day eat as much as you will as soon as you have lost all the body fat and weight you wish to lose. Or eat two days more, two day less and two day as much as you should. It is important that your body does not get used to getting too little food, as you want to prevent what happens with crash diets. With a crash diet your body gets used to get a little amount of food, the metabolism it getting slow and the moment you eat little bit more it immediately goes and stays in your fat depots and you gain all the weight you have lost back plus a little more. This is the reason why overweight people who go on a strict diet for some time are soon putting on more body fat and weight. Overweight people usually have a slow metabolism and eat foods which are difficult for the human body to diget. Grains are not made for us people, but for birds. Grains are also not made for cows. Cows are used to eat grass. To buy meat from grass fed cows is very expansive as the land is expansive. The cheap meat comes from cows which were held in a relatively tiny area and they get fed grains. Eating meat from grass fed cows is very different to the meat from grain fed cows. Whenever you can buy and eat meat from grass fed cows.
There are several healthy eating life styles one can choose or a combination of them. Only you know which one makes you feel good. Maybe you will have to test each of them for several weeks, before you know which of them makes you feel good.