Improve With Losing Weight
About ten years ago I have found out how to lose weight and body fat and keep it off a lifetime long.
I have lived about 7 years in Southern California. I thought that I had found out how to lose weight and body fat and keep weight and body fat off in those years. My weight was around 112 pound (50 kg). I watched my diet, ate relatively little and did a lot of sports. I went swimming twice a day, 3 times a week I walked up the Doheny drive, a one hour walk up and down, and several times a week I went to the gym to work out with weights. I had a wonderful figure without any visible body fat when I came back to Austria with age 42. My weight was at 112. I was certain to know how to lose weight and stay slim, more so I believed that I would never put on any body fat and weight, but was not prepared to what followed.
It was end of January and a shock for the body to come from the warmth into freezing temperatures. Everyone who has a little bit more weight and body fat is better off. In a cold season few people think about their body fat and weight gain and not at all about going on a diet. I threw my Californian diet, which consisted of lots of vegetables, meat, eggs and fruits over board. But I was not really conscious of the diet change. To accompany a cup of hot afternoon-tea I began to buy cookies and could not stop eating them. A few cookies a day is not a diet change! I thought, which was wrong. Even after the cup of tea was empty, I sneaked into the kitchen to get one more cookie. Just one. I did this several times each day. So what, I thought, I have a good figure. To always have enough cookies at home, I bought several packages to not run out of them. I did not think to regularly weigh myself, but then I realized some body fat around the waist, which I was not used to and I then began to weigh myself. First my weight did not change, but then my weight went up rapidly. I kg weight gain is not much, I thought, and also not a weight gain of 2 kg. When my weight gain was at 3 and then at 4 kg (= almost 9 pounds) and I saw body fat growing around my waist, I saw no problem as I was sure to know how to quickly lose weight and the body fat. I only needed to put myself on a weight loss diet, eat little less and workout little bit more for a few days and the gained body fat and weight would be gone. Let me add here that I continuously worked out. The workout did not change anything. Of course would I have stopped to work out, things would have been much worse.
I stopped buying cookies, drank only tea and tried to quickly lose the weight gain and the
disturbing body fat by eating nothing for several days. I admit that during the days I did not eat anything I did not work out much as I lacked energy. A strict diet for a few days is not difficult to follow. Quickly after the strict weight loss diet my weight was back at about 50 kg. Couple of days later my weight was at 51 and soon at 52 kg and then at 53 and I could feel the body fat around the waist was back. To again lose this gained weight and body fat, I again went on a strict weight loss diet. This I did several times in a short period of time. It turned out that the strict weight loss diet was not a good idea at all. Instead of less I weighed more and more and gained more and more body fat. And this happened to me, someone who believed to know how to lose weight and body fat. I was told that putting on some body fat and gaining some weight happens with the age. I did not want to believe that, as I have seen women who kept a great figure and had no disturbing body fat throughout their lives. Though they all were weight conscious and stayed to a diet with lots of fresh produce, meat, fish, poultry and lots of fruit.
Okay, weight loss diets don’t work. I needed to get back to my Californian diet and lose the gained weight and body fat without putting it on soon after. I began to read about nutrition and how to looe weight and body fat and about different kinds of weight loss diets. At one point I said to myself, one has only to look into this world and see which people are slim? Asians, who are eating a lot of fish, vegetables, see weed and some rice, seldom have body fat. This was not easy to copy as Austria is not near to an ocean and has to import fish daily and you can’t get fish in every grocery market. I love to eat fish, but when I have to choose I am going for meat, preferably deer, which you get seldom and it is expensive. My next choice is beef and lamb. At this time in my life, I still had bread, butter, jam or some cereals with milk and coffee for breakfast. I had no idea that this, which was part of my diet, played a role in my weight and body fat gain through the years.
I remember that I constantly checked my body fat at the waist by taking it between my thumb and the index finger. Which I kept doing until it was fully gone. When I visited my mother, she saw that. “Are you freaking out because of some body fat?” she asked. “This little body fat! Come on, some body fat comes with aging.” I shook my head. “When you don’t start to do something as soon as you realize to have put on some body fat, it would get more and more, until it is gettin difficult to lose it.”
I tried to not eat certain food groups for a while. For example I did not eat any milk products for a month, which brought no change. There was still this body fat which I felt and checked constantly. A lady doctor asked me to not eat anything sweet for one month. This included fruits and wine. And I should not eat anything raw, which in addition included salads and vegetables. During this month I put on another 3 pounds of extra weight and of course my body fat grew. After this month was over nothing had changed. The body fat was unchanged at my waist. I ran to the next supermarket and bought a lot of fresh produce. I came home and ate vegetables and fruits for several days and was so happy eating fresh produce. It was in those days that I felt that bread and noodles were not good for me and that I could live without. I than by chance read a report about grain products and that those foods were partly responsible for the weight and body fat gain with the years.
Scientists found out that people in old Egypt had the same sicknesses as people in industrialized countries today. It was an archaeologist who asked a medical scientist to examine some human bones, which were about 10.000 years old. Those old bones showed that this group of people did not have certain sicknesses. They examined more human bones from before 10.000 years and found big changes compared to 6.000 year old bones of Egyptians. What has happened between 6.000 to 10.000 years ago? The big difference was that about 6.000 years ago men cultivated grains. Scientists found that the homo sapiens (meaning the today’s man), can’t fully digest grain. It has to be milled to a fine powder, as we can’t bite most of the various grains. Then it is mixed with water, sometimes leaven and salt is added and then it is baked by high temperature. The not digested residuum of grains glues on to the arteries. Mixed with fat those sediments are getting thicker with the years and block the bloodstreams, which often enough results in a heart attack. The weight and body fat gain is then only one of several health problems.
Bread, as all grain products, is transformed in our body to sugar. When we eat something sweet or sugary the fat cells open and absorb whatever we then eat. This is our fat depost which is the body fat, we dislike. Worst of all are grain rich diets, combined with fat. The combination of the fact that we can’t fully digest grain products with the fact that after eating grains they are transformed into sugar, results in body fat and weight gain. This may not be seen during a few years of eating some grain products each day, but certainly after decades the body fat gain is not to overlook anymore. When people in their fifty’s suddenly put on weight and have quite some body fat depots it is not because of their age, but the result of having eaten grain products for many years. I read that it has a number of benefits when someone does not eat any grain products.
What was the reason that men began farming? And why are our grocery stores full of products made of grain? Yes, one reason is making money. The grain itself is not as expansive as the packaged end product. And there are lots of companies which make the big bucks with grain and grain products. But at the other hand without grain products it would be impossible that many people live in a large town. With farming the first towns were founded and could grow larger. Old Egypt would not have become a great culture without grains. Without the variety of processed and packaged grain products no mega town like New York, London, Moscow or Paris could exist. In all great cultures grain products played an important part.
It is everyone’s choice to eat or not to eat grain products. This was it for me. I knew I had to change my diet for good and not on a weight loss diet only for a few days being. I went into the kitchen and threw all grain products away - cereals, noodles, most of the flour. I only kept some flour in case I need it as a sauce binder and kept some rice and noodles, just in case some guests wish to have some. Of course I did not buy any grain products anymore. Instead of bread and noodles I began to eat more vegetables, salads and fruits.
After a few days of heaving banned grain products from my diet I began to feel a difference. I felt more awake, more energetic and I enjoyed the fresh foods very much. Soon one kg of my weight was gone and soon the next one and the body fat on my waist began to melt. In a matter of months the few pounds which have gotten to about 10, melted away without any effort, as did the body fat. I had my slim figure back, I again weight between 48 and 50 kg and was visibly body fat free. I enjoyed to workout much more as I felt lighter. With the word lighter I do not mean in the sense that I had lost some weight. I mean it more in general, as of feeling better I got more active. At the same time I have read about raw food and ate more and more foods raw. Ever since, and this is about ten years now, I did not go back to my old diet and eating habits. I did not again put body fat on. I have not been sick ever since. No flue, no cold. And the best of all I look and appear younger as my friends, who are my age. In those ten years I kept my weight at 48 to 50 kg.
A few might wonder about how I use the word diet: When someone says that he/she has tried quite every diet, he/she means weight loss diets to lose body fat. The word diet stands in general for what one eats. Dietary habits are eating habits. Each person has his dietary habits, each region of the world has it’s dietary habits. Religions have dietary rules. Your doctor might tell you that you should follow a certain health diet, for example a diabetic diet, a liver diet, a heart diet, a gluten-free diet, a fat free diet or a weight loss diet. Diet assistants put together the diet for patients with certain health problems and have therefore to follow a certain diet
. Once during Spring you might follow a detox diet.
Weight loss diets are: the Atkins Diet, Blood Type Diet, Cabbage Soup Diet, High Protein Diet, Ketogenic Diet, Low Carbohydrate Diet, Low Fat Diet, Low Glycemic Index Diet, Montignac Diet, Paleolithic Diet, South Beach Diet, Low Calorie Diet, Zone Diet to name but a few of almost numerous weight loss diets.
There is a lot written and discussed about which of the weight loss diets work, which one is the best weight loss diet and which of them are not health damaging. I want to leave this discussion to the rest of the world. I have experienced that in the long run no weight loss diet works and when someone follows a strict weight loss diet to quickly lose weight has to pay with an additional weight gain afterwards. To lose weight it is best to change your diet habits and stick to it. Most weight loss diets are missing some important nutrients and are therefore not healthy and should not be followed for too long.
I believe that a detox diet done in Spring is good for the body and even more so for the spirit. Though one should do it only for a few days during which one is away of any stress, one can relax, spend some time daily in pure nature (in a park, in a forest or in a mountain region), have time to let thoughts flow. The detox diet is sometimes used as a weight loss diet, though the weight loss is only temporary.
Healthy diets: Clean Food Diet, Fit For Life Diet, Food Combination Diet, Frutarian Diet, Vegetarian Diet, Natural Foods Diet, Vegan Diet (which is a plant based diet), Raw Food Diet,
To eat clean is nothing else than not eating processed foods and choosing organic foods. Fit For Life Diet is quite the same. Maybe it uses more vegetables and fruits as the clean food diet. With the Food Combination Diet one combines heavy carbohydrates with fat or protein with fat, which means that protein (meat, poultry, fish) and heavy carbohydrates (rice, noodles, dumpblings, bread) are not eaten at one meal. The Natural Foods Diet is near to the Clean Food Diet and the Raw Food Diet as only foods which you find in the nature are used. Vegetarians do not eat meat or poultry, but they do have milk products and eggs in their diet. Vegans do not eat any products coming from animals. They only eat plant food. Raw Food eaters eat everything one can eat raw. They do eat meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and nuts. They for example do not eat potatoes, as potatoes have to be cooked.
You might say that a raw food eater is constantly on a weight loss diet. Being a raw food eater I can tell you that you lose weight and body fat as long as there is weight and body fat to lose. This means that the raw food diet can be used as a weight loss diet and is maybe the most healthy of all weight loss diets. In case you want to lose weight a little faster, you only need to skip the fruits and eat a little more meat instead. The quickest way to lose body fat and weight is when you eat mostly protein, though you then are in cetogenic mode, which could damage your liver, in case you do it for more than a week. Instead you could be on protein only for one or two days a week. With this diet you eat all kinds of meat (beef, lamb), poultry and fish, ham, bacon, eggs, cheese, natural yoghurt (eat sparingly) and you can eat green salads as much as you want, some tomatos, cucumber and asparagus.
There are some foods which need more energy (=calories) to eat and digest as they have. One of them is asparagus. Therefore you can eat a lot of asparagus without having to be afraid of gaining weight.
What I also should mention here is that eating enough fat is very important to stay healthy and it is very important when you want to lose fat. When you skip all fat, your body will get into a deprivation mode and will hold on to your body fat depots. You will wonder why you do not lose body fat and no weight. Fat is not fat. Processed fat is making fat. Natural fat is easy to digest and will make your body feel good. It will stop to hold on to body fat depots. Good fats are in fish, nuts (indlucing coconut), nut-oils, coconut oil, peanut oil, avocados, olives and olive oil.
Do you now understand that a strict and low calorie weight loss diet is not good if you want to lose body fat and weight and not gain it back.
Read more about Raw Food and Clean Food, where you will read how I lost weight and body fat, which I had put on ten years ago in anothe context.
You can Lose Weight fast with a Healthy Diet
Lose weight fast at the beginning, then go to a healthy diet to lose more weight and not gain it back. Then lose weight consistently to get results.
You only have to change your diet habits and stick with it. Fact is that if you stay on a specific diet for a long time, you get used to it.
Once in my life I was overweight and with every “eat-less-diet”, I put on more weight. In those days it was not known that if you eat less, the metabolism goes down and the moment you eat a little more, even though it is still below what your body needs, you put on weight. Through years I did not lose weight. Well I lost some weight fast and quickly it was back. We all went through that!
It was by chance that my father, who was always slim, suddenly had some fat on his stomach. He meant it is 20 pounds that he has to lose. He ate ham and eggs in the morning, a steak, green salad and tomatoes for lunch and for dinner. This is a protein diet with good carbo that gave him vitamins. He lost those 20 pounds in 1 month. That is fast weight loss. That was for the first part of the title: Lose Weight Fast.
I began to eat eggs for 3 days. You lose weight really fast, but you should really not do that longer than 3 days as it is really health damaging. The reason is not the eggs, but that this is heavy in protein, which is a trouble for the liver.
I then began to add vegetables and switched the eggs at lunch for meat, fish or cheese. To have eggs for breakfast is good, as it is satiating. I recently read that people who want to lose weight and have 2 eggs in the morning, lose more weight as people who eat bagels.
What I recommend, if someone wants to get a great figure and keep the lost weight off for good:
You can start being on protein for the first few days, just to get the kick of losing some pounds quickly. But then I would suggest, you go on a healthy diet and stick to it.
I also recommend that you change from your old diet to the new one slowly, menaing that you make changes of some foods each week. Stop eating hamburgers and have a steak instead. Stop having a heavy salad dressing the following week and use vinegar or lemon juice and olive oil instead.
What I have experienced is that you have to eat to lose weight and you need to get some good fat to lose body fat. The reason is that if your body doesn’t get enough fat in the food, it holds on to the body fat. Some people starve themselves and wonder, why the fat ring around their waist stays. This is the reason.
So, lose some weight fast and then switch to a healthy diet to continuously lose weight and it will not come back.
The Difference between Weight Loss Diet and Diet
The difference between “weight loss diet” and “diet”. It is usual that people say that they are on a diet and of course everyone understands that weight loss diet is meant. But most people don’t know that diet means “eating habits”.
There are lots of different diets: healthy diet, all kinds of special diets when you are sick, such as liver diet, some religions have their diets. Diet is about what you eat or eating habits.
And then there are innumerable weight loss diets with specific names: the Hollywood diet, the Atkins diet, and so on.
Few people know that what you usually eat is a habit. Also if you are slim or overweight is a habit. Often the reason for being overweight has to do with a limiting belief. This is the reason, why hypnosis is so very effective to lose weight,
There are 500 Million people worldwide who are overweight or even adipose and most of them struggle to lose weight. Several Million people die each year because of being overweight. They buy expensive weight loss pills and some have a costly surgery, which destroys their overall health.
Most of them could afford a hypnosis MP3, which is so low in cost, but few people know about its ease and effectiveness. All you do is download the MP3 with the hypnosis after ordering and listening to it once a day for a couple of weeks. It then will be so easy to lose weight. To go and stay on a weight loss diet will be almost effortlessly.
It is really sad that what is effective and doesn’t cost very much, doesn’t get the attention of the press. Some of the writers and very often they are medical doctors are paid to write something about a certain diet pill or about a certain weight loss diet. The diet industry makes huge amounts of money. They don’t want people to know how easy it can be to lose weight.
If you want to lose weight, you have to change the habit of being overweight and your eating habit and this you achieve effectively through hypnosis.